2016 02 01

2016 02 01
The Future Of CrossFit South Bend
2016 01 31
CrossFit Wods 2.1.16 – 2.7.16 ** Fun Week **
Notes: Push Press: We will pair you up with people around your own strength level - you'll get 1 bar per team unless it is a mixed gender team - If there is a huge strength disparity I'll allow two bars as well. But not three...three is right out. Box Jumps Overs: Don't hit your shins, pay attention to what you are doing - if you are not comfortable with the height, tilt the box down to a 20", or stack plates if you are a lady. Kettle bell Swings are Russian One person goes through, hits 3.6.9, tags in the partner who completes 3.6.9...so on and so forth. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 2.2.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 2.2.16 In teams of 5, complete 3 sets each of: 30 Calorie Row 30 Burpees 30 Sit-Ups 30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 - 10/9 30 minute cap Teams get one erg and one Wall Ball. Teams establish an order and line up behind their erg, maintaining that order for the workout. Athletes may not move to the next station until the athlete in front of them has finished their reps.
Notes: This workout may take a while, I put a 30 minute cap on it, scale so that you can finish it under the 30 minute cap - so move that ass when you get to a movement. We will pair you up appropriately by rowing speeds and ability and gender if possible due to the wall ball. Burpees and Sit Ups are standard - Just a plain ol burpee, make sure you open up at the top though, and have some consideration for how your feet are landing (we would prefer toes forward while landing on a full foot) Sit ups are not anchored, butterfly or regular Wall Balls are standard. If you have less than a team of 5 - just conga line through and accumulate 3 rounds each - with a 1 minute rest after the wall ball shots. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 2.3.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 2.3.16 A. Handstand Push Up Kipping skill work B. "Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155 Handstand Push Ups
Notes: The warm up will be handstand push up kipping skill work of the coaches choice The scaling is... Handstand Push Up - 20 inch box handstand push up - Push Up - chest elevated handstand push up **Choose a scaling for handstand push ups you feel as though you can hit 10 - 15 reps easy with. **Choose a weight that looks pretty when you deadlift it[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Thursday 2.4.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Thursday 2.4.16
For time:
200 toes-to-bars, while both barbells are held in front rack position 200 front squats (135 / 95 lb.), while 2 teammates hang from the pull-up barNotes:
Notes: Close Grip Bench: Tempo is a 3 count down, then fast up. Spy v.s. Spy: Teams of 2. One partner will do Chest Elevated Push Up on Bar for max reps while the other partner performs Goblet Squat Static Hold. Once you break, you switch and the other partner does the push ups with the other partner does the holds. The workout is over when both partners reach 100 total reps each. Chest Elevated Push Up: You can use the cross bars on the pull up station, set bars at 30" on the squat racks, use the kid pull up bar attachments. All are viable options. Barbell Curls and Single Arm DB Rows: Start with something you can hit a rep range of 10-16 with.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 2.6.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 2.6.16 A. Every 3 minutes for 8 Rounds (24 Minutes) Odd Rounds - Complete a set of the complex below at 135/95 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks Even Rounds - Complete the set below 40 Double Unders 15 No Push Up Burpees
Notes: This is exactly what it looks like - I would prefer not to see you grind the rounds out until you are chasing the clock - meaning if its taking you the full 3 minutes, scale so that you have around 30 - 60 seconds left in each round at the end.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 2.7.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 2.7.16 A. Amrap in 16 minutes Teams of 2 - Alternating Rounds 3 Muscle Ups OR 10 Chest to Bar 10 Overhead Squats 95/65 Rest 5-10 minutes B. At a relaxed pace - perform a 10 minute amrap of 10 Calorie Row 10 Box Step Ups 10 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35
Notes: Lets get some muscle ups in here, work on stringing all 3's together, the rest should make it a bit easier - but the overhead squats will play into fatigue a bit. If you cannot get muscle ups, your scaling is 10 chest to bar For part B. I just want some steady state work.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]
2016 01 31
4 Weeks To Less Pain – Lower Body Series
2016 01 31
2016 01 31

2016 01 30

Don't forget to get your Triple OG Sweatshirt. These are pre-order ONLY.
Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout) Chin Ups 3 x Max Reps
Power Snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Ring Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps
Complete 10 Rounds: Burpees – 5 Reps 40/30 lb Reverse Ball Toss – Max Distance 25 yd Sprint Rest 45 seconds *Immediately after ball toss, turn and Sprint 25 yds in the direction of the ball.
2016 01 29

Back Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Front Squat 5 RM Bench Press 5 RM
Complete for time: Barbell Thruster – 9 Reps Toes to Bar – 19 Reps Barbell Thruster – 6 Reps Toes to Bar – 16 Reps Barbell Thruster – 3 Reps Toes to Bar – 13 Reps
*Barbell Thrusters should be heavy. Use at least 80% bodyweight.
2016 01 28
2016 01 28