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Tuesday, 2.22.15

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Deadlift 1x 5  (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Rack Pull 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 *Work up to a heavy set of 5 and continue to add weight until you’ve reached your heaviest triple for the day.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes. 30/24″ Box Jump – 6 Reps Supine Ring Row – 8 Reps 40/30 lb Ball Slams – 10 Reps Ring Push Ups – 8 Reps

CROSSFIT OPEN ATHLETES: Managing your competition weeks

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][text_output]The CrossFit Open starts this week! Lets talk about your weeks of training and what I'd like to see so that you feel well prepared for each week as they go by. First off, these workouts are harder than normal workouts. But not because of the volume, and not because of the formats. Its the atmosphere that makes these workouts difficult, the judging, the competitive atmosphere that will kick your adrenaline up and get you going to a place you've probably never been before Our programming will be currently set to work through the open, so with a small amount of regard to volume while programming, but we have three times as many people NOT doing the open as we have doing the open, we program for the general population, you guys are now a smaller more specific population. Get the low hanging fruit Manage your training volume, and stick to the recovery basics. Eating enough clean food and sleeping enough are recovery 101 basics, if you aren't already taking care of this stuff - I'd hate to say it but you've missed the boat. If you want to get a little more serious, getting a massage, seeing a manual therapist, hitting a sauna, increasing pre and post workout mobility will help from week to week. But for right now, lets talk about how you can prepare for each wod a little better. 3 Things to help you perform better in each wod
  1. Prepare for the specific tasks at hand prior to the test: As soon as you look at the wod, come up with a game plan on how you'd like to warm up, what are some trouble spots that may be holding you back from a mobility standpoint -work on them, what are the movement patterns you may be having some trouble with - practice them.
  2. Perform a thoughtful warmup: I will be running some warmup talk, gaming practice and what have you before our Friday night lights events each week (look for that schedule and details soon.) A good warmup should leave you feeling very prepared for the workout, and ready to get it over with. The talks before hand should leave you with a very realistic plan of attack for each individual wod.
  3. Do some post workout recovery: Finish the workout, lay down, sweat and make noise for a while - GET YOUR SCORE IN! and then get your ass off the competition floor and do some mobility, static stretching on what you feel was the most affected area.
MANAGING YOUR VOLUME THROUGH THE WEEK  This is all relative as each athlete can handle a different amount of volume, but lets talk about each aspect of a workout and how to deal with them Skill: Skill work is great, this should be non exhaustive as it is, and is definitely okay through the week Strength Movements: DON'T go to failure, if you are performing a strength movement, great, keep it fast, keep it technically sound, and leave some in the tank - even if you feel like going for it. Don't. You should feel ready to kill it come your competitive day. Wods: This depends on the volume, you can approach it a few different ways, if its a small amount of volume - go ahead and do it but resist the urge to go all out and burn your lungs up. If its a higher amount of volume, cut the rep schemes in half, or the rounds in half. Do each wod with control, I should never see you failing on sets or having to break up your sets because you are going to failure. You should finish each workout standing, and feeling a bit refreshed. Mobility BEFORE AND AFTER! Lets use this week as an example. Click here to follow along with this week with me. Monday: Close grip bench, do it, keep the speed fast - no failing, keep the attempts low. Leave plenty in the tank. Split jerk work - go ahead, kill it. Wod: This is low volume, comparatively speaking with 25 total split jerks, go low and technically sound, each split jerk should look beautiful and fast. Don't smoke out in the doubles though, this may have the tendency to wreck calves - so pick an amount each time frame you can do pretty easily and stick to it. Tuesday: This is a team workout, so your rest is going to be pretty good on this one, really not a ton of volume, just stay relaxed in the workouts and don't kill your forearms (plate pinch and rope climbs) and for gods sake don't tear your legs to pieces on the rope climbs - scale this work if you need to with lighter weights. Wednesday: Pull your pace back on the row and run, drop short of failing by at least 40% on the toes to bar- just keep the reps clean, and for christ sake don't tear your hands. The wall sit, let it burn a little but break it up and rest between if you feel it burning too much. Thursday: If most of you are doing the wod on Friday night, this should be your rest day - but in case you aren't I'll talk about how to modify this. Do the squats, but keep them light and fast, keep the attempts low. I would do one of two things on the wod - A.) pair up with someone doing the open so you can both slack off. or B.) Scale the weight on the KB swings, keep the push ups to incline push ups, grab a lighter ball on the wall balls. Friday: Again, this should be game day for most of you, so look to the Friday Night Lights schedule coming out soon, but just in case you are performing on Monday or what have you, I'll continue. Complex should be kept light and fast Chin ups, scale with a band or ring rows and keep them 40% below failure - DONT go unbroken to failure. Box Jumps should be good, just don't eat it, work on consistency with them - you may have to pull the volume back and do less if you aren't used to 50 box jumps Saturday: This should be the day after your competitive day, I would do recovery stuff - light walk and some mobility at home. But just in case you feel like coming in and training through this, here you are. This is a lot of work here, and a lot of holds - this has the tendency to make people sore so... A.) Pair with someone else doing the open on Sun/Mon and go light and easy B.) Pull the weight back to around 30% of your max on both lifts. Drop before you fail with the iso holds - don't smoke yourself on these!!!! Sunday: If you did the workout on Monday, this may be one day you can actually go pretty hard on. But!! If you are going on monday and for some reason coming in, here is how you would scale this back. Doubles: Keep them within your range of something that won't make you sore as hell - this could be good practice for you. Medicine ball cleans - just don't go to the point where you get a crazy leg pump, drop the ball and move on Moving on to a set of muscle ups or chest to bar, that is NOT a set to failure. stop short and to either a couple small sets, or one set that stops 40% less than what you feel like you could possibly hit. even that might be a stretch with it being 5 rounds. So thats the week - but here is a different way to visual it. X = the day you are performing the wod AR = Active Rest - Mobility - Movement Pattern Work, Something Invigorating and enjoyable - feeling better after than when you started. % days = The % of volume or effort or both you'd put forward on a workout that day if you did one.  IMG_2531   Here are a few good articles to read in the meantime How to Succeed in your first CrossFit Open Why you lost in the CrossFit Open and how to win next year [/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Registration Is Closed For the CrossFit Open at CrossFit South Bend

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Hey all! If I have your name on the picture above, you'll be doing the CrossFit Open at CrossFit South Bend! The Registration for the CrossFit Open at CrossFit South Bend is closed! Just a reminder, we put a post out here mentioning all of the details on January 14th - Intramural / CrossFit Open Details Post Then a reminder that if you want to do the CrossFit Open Wods, you have to be signed up, here The I extended the deadline to sign up until the 20th here Then a reminder of the deadline the day before here Our teams are now closed, the draft will be tonight - we will be releasing the teams on Tuesday. So, on Tuesday, I will be releasing the: **Team Rosters **Validation Times and Weekly Schedule **Prizes for competitors and mini games **Friday night light details **Scoring Details **Final Judging Rules  

Monday 2-22-16

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Warm-up: Thacker method for snatch A.  Snatch - 2RM in 20min **NO drop sets today, so make your 2RM be crisp! B.  Front squat - - 1 set every 3:00, follow each squat immediately with 5 box jumps (30/24") C.  30-20-10 reps of plank elbow touches, Russian KB swings (75/55)

CrossFit Wods 2.22.16 – 2.28.16 **Week 3 of 9**

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px"][vc_column fade_animation_offset="45px" width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="New Stuff, Recent Posts, Random Crap" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]New Stuff, Recent Posts, Random Crap VIDEO: Why are you doing the CrossFit Open? CROSSFIT OPEN UPDATES: Click here to read about them, 43 on the team thus far! BLOG POST – Being late to class BLOG POST – Seven things to know/do before this years open NUTRITION: What is inflammation?  FUNDAMENTALS: March Fundamentals Details right here! MEMBER STORY - Beast Women and Pull Ups - Kat C's Story NEW CLASSES ARE HERE TO STAY [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Monday 2.22.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Monday 2.22.16 A. 15 minutes to perform Close Bench 5rm B. Split Jerk Skill Work C. 5 rounds 2 minutes to perform 5 Split Jerks AHAP Max Double Unders in time remaining Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Notes: CLOSE GRIP BENCH: Here is a painful amount of setup detail Setup Lying on your back feet with solid contact on the ground with head and hips on the bench, Eyes should be lined up slightly past the bar on the south side of the bar, Your hips and shoulders should be as close as possible creating a slight arch in the low back, Grip the bar about with your pointer fingers right next to the smooth, Your grip can vary in width, but should be no wider than pointer fingers just outside of the smooth. Execution Take a big breath and hold throughout rep, Bar starts over bottom of sternum, Lower bar until bar makes contact with your body, Violently drive bar upward maintaining a vertical path, Drive feet into ground pushing back towards shoulders, Maintain active, neutral shoulders throughout the whole set, do not let shoulders protract or round, Take a breath between reps. SPLIT JERKS Skill Work is coaches choice, these are pulled from the floor, so you will be limited by your ability to clean the weight. No Racks. Deal with it DOUBLE UNDERS Scaling is coaches choice GOALS FOR SPLIT JERK: Try to get within 80-90 of your 1rm Clean and Jerk, again, percentages are very relative to the person.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Tuesday 2.23.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Tuesday 2.23.16 A. Teams of 4 8 minutes Max Prowler Pushes Hi/Lo handle - 15 Yards out, 15 yards back @ 185/120 transition :30 seconds 8 minutes Max Distance Plate Pinch Carry - 10 yards out, 10 yards back @ 45/35 transition :30 seconds 8 minutes Max Rope Climbs transition :30 seconds 8 minutes Max Sandbag Toss 80/60 Score: Only one person works at a time, score is total trips, carries, climbs, and tosses separately on the board.
Notes: WOD DETAILS The Teams will start at a different station and rotate from there, your teams of 4 will alternate with one person working at a time to get as many reps/trips in the 8 minute blocks. PROWLER PUSH You'll push it high handle down,  You will then push the low handle back, then switch out keep the pushes fast and switch out quick. 15 yards down, 15 yards back = 1 trip PINCH PLATE CARRY You may have to scale this one if you have tiny hands, make sure if you drop them you start back from where you dropped them at. 10 down and 10 back = 1 trip ROPE CLIMBS Scaling is rope lowers, WEAR SOCKS - don't be a dum dum. SANDBAG TOSS Sandbag starts on the floor, pop it up to the shoulder and toss it over. Prepare for a sandy cloudy gym. GOALS: Move fast on your rounds, you have a 3:1 rest to work - so get stuff done - TEAMWORK![/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Wednesday 2.24.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Wednesday 2.24.16 A. 25 minute amrap Row 15 Cals Max Toes to Bar Run 200 yards (10 yards at a time) Wall Sit :45
Notes: ROW self explanatory. row. The rowers will be placed on the turf. TOES TO BAR Scaling - either knee ups, or sit ups. RUN We will have a 10 yard section marked off of the blacktop that you'll be running. (this is 10 trips the way we will have it set up, 10 yards down, 10 yards back) WALL SIT Click here, this is what it is, if you don't know.  looking for a 90 degree angle here. GOAL: 4 or more rounds in the wod[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="WOD RELEASE DATE! Thursday 2.25.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Like us here at CFSB? Show us by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. Thursday 2.25.16 A. 20 minutes to establish heavy 3 squat in this format Unrack bar Hold :15 seconds Squat x 1 Hold :15 Squat x 1 Hold :15 Squat x 1 Rack Bar B. 15 minute amrap - Teams of 2 10 Kettlebell Swings 70/55 Russian 10 Push Ups 10 Wall Balls 20/14 Score is total repetitions One person works at a time, completing an entire round of 10-10-10 before the partner goes.
Notes: SQUAT: Try to keep a good posture and a tight midline through the holds. SQUAT GOAL: Shoot for 75-85% of your 1rm. WOD Exactly what it sounds like, keep the push ups and the wall balls honest, you'll do an entire round, then your partner will go. GOALS: Shoot for 10 or more rounds in the wod[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Friday 2.26.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Friday 2.26.16 5 Rounds Minute 1 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats AHAP Minute 2 Max UB Strict Chin Ups Minute 3 Perform 10 Box Jumps 24/20 Minute 4 Rest
Notes: COMPLEX PS + OHS: These are pulled from the floor, the coach will determine whether or not you have any business performing the complex with your mobility. If not, we may ask for a Power Clean + 3 Front Squats. GOALS FOR COMPLEX: Around 80% of your 1rm Snatch CHIN UPS: These are strict, one set until you fail then you are done. I'll allow bands or ring rows BOX JUMPS: Keep them pretty, stand up all the way at the top and show control.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Saturday 2.27.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Saturday 2.27.16 Teams of 2 For time 100 Deadlifts 225/150 100 Push Presses 135/95 12 minute cap
Notes: While performing the deadlifts, in order for deadlifts to count, the 135# bar must be held overhead by partner 2. While performing the push presses, in order for the push presses to count, the 225# must be held at the top of the deadlift by partner 2. You must finish all of the deadlifts before moving on to the push presses. GOAL: Good holding positions overhead and in the deadlift, also weight selection may be allowed in the range of 40-60% of your maxes in both. For instance, if steeeeeve's maxes are 400 Deadlift 175 Push Press He may want to consider doing the workout at 200 for the DL, and 90lbs for the push press These movements get really old really fast.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Sunday 2.28.16" parent_id="" id="" class="" style=""]Sunday 2.28.16 A. 5 Rounds At the top of each 4 minute mark 50 Double Unders 15 Medicine Ball Cleans 40/30 Max Muscle Ups or Chest to Bar Pull Ups in the time remaining
  Notes: Scale accordingly so that you get into the muscle ups/chest to bar [/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Saturday 2-20-16

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Warm-up: plate jump/land drill, w/ and w/o med ball, review plate G2O, banded hip stretch 3:00 each leg A.  Clean DL + clean + jerk - 20min to work to max set of the complex, then 5x1 clean and jerk (no deadlift) B.  OHS - - 3:00 between sets, perform 8 reverse flys during rest C.  4 rounds, rest as needed - :30 OH plate hold, 10 plate G2O, :30 goblet squat with plate **you pick the plate weight, but it should be challenging!**


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You guys are the best! We currently have 30 in our CrossFit Open /Intramural Open Team, lets try to get 10 more people so we can have teams of 10! Lets try to make our team the largest in the area. I need everyone to get signed up by tomorrow by 5:00pm so I can start to get the teams organized. We will be sorting the teams early next week into the smaller intramural teams. I will be picking validation times based off of the people that are signed up as of tomorrow. So get your shit together! Click here to check out our team! Click here to sign up for details on how to sign up for the open