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Wednesday 10-29-14

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Hamstring on lax ball on box x 4min each side

A) push press – 15min to build to 1RM, then 3×3 @ 70% — FAST!

Ba) reverse front rack lunges – 10. 10. 10. 10 (increase in weight for 4 sets, 5 each leg)
Bb) heaving snatch balance –

C) 8min abs!
2 rounds with :45 work, :15 rest
-Russian twists
-Med ball sit up toss to partner
-Pillar up-up-down-down
-GHD sit-ups w/ 3sec static hold

Monday 10-27-14

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1 more week of Hamtober!! Also, we have the shirts in the works! Yay! 🙂

A) 2-position snatch (knees, hips) – 5×2 @ 75% of 1RM

B) Front squat – 1 1/4 squats – 4×3 – start @ 70% of 1RM and move up if you can keep the pattern clean

Ca) 5×5 stiff-legged DL @ 60-65% of 1RM
Cb) 5×10 single-leg squats (choose your best scaling, could be on top of a box with your leg dangling, reaching back with a box as a target, or regular pistols) – 5 each leg!

Saturday 10-25-14

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Caitlin is in the house today! I’m out of town but will be back Monday. Good luck to all of our athletes competing in Lansing, MI today! Take some video, pics, etc to show when you get back. 🙂

Trying a new max out format today. Instead of 3 attempts, we’ll do the following:

10min general body warm-up

30min to find max snatch

30min to find max clean and jerk

**The only rule is that when you’re hitting you last few heaviest sets, allow yourself 3-4 good solid attempts at the weight. Don’t get stuck driving yourself into the ground by attempting the same weight 15 times. Rest appropriately and give your fellow lifters encouragement. I think we might find that we get some better numbers when you can focus on just the lift and not the camera and crowd watching you. Take a video if you want or if it’s a PR, but don’t stress out! Just hit some big weights and go hard.