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Programming 9.5 – 9.11

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title=”Click me for important announcements” open=”false”]Say goodbye to train heroic

New Shadow Coach Andrew Foster

Wades Army 2016! Click here for details

September Fundamentals Begins this week as well! 

Wellness Wednesday –Nikki’s Story – Eating healthy while flying most weeks for work

Stay tuned for Barbells for Boobs as well!

***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”This weeks programming – Intensification” open=”false”]So, without getting too in depth with this – We just finished 8 weeks of accumulation, we are now going to transition over to intensification for the remaining 4 weeks of the 12 week block before we test. So you’ll see the volume drop a little in strength, the conditioning will pick up a bit – which is what some of you have been getting a hard-on for. To visualize the difference between Accumulation and Intensification in regards to what it would look like in one movement. Lets say, we tested a Front Squat 1rm.

Test Week – Front Squat 1rm:

Noticed a lot of issues in general population with upper back support, valgus knees, strength/confidence issues in the full bottom position.

Intent: to increase 1rm Front Squat, not necessarily to work heavy long volume – as a priority for most of the population, strength is top tier over volume.

Conceptualize on how to remedy those problems through the 8 weeks of accumulation – could be X, or X causing the issue.

Devise a plan on how to approach these issues – for instance:

upper back could be remedied by a lot of scapular work, kelso shrugs, scap pulls and the like

valgus knees should be remedied by hip flexibility work, ankle flexibility work, single and double leg glute work

confidence in the bottom position could be remedied by spending more time (tempo) in the bottom position to work confidence, simply increasing reps and sets of front squats working on the neural patterning of the Front Squats, it could simply be strength – this one gets down to just doing the moment and doing it correctly.

Action the plan: Take those items, and put it into programming whereas the majority of the population will be exposed to it – if we really want to improve it (is it a priority over the others?) probably not putting it on the weekends, the difference between exposing it to 20-30 people or 100-130 people on a weekday.

Progress: The first 8 weeks of accumulation involve a progressive nature in either one or multiple of the following – sets, reps, tempo, rest between sets, exercise selection. This ensures we aren’t throwing everyone in the deep end, the equivalent of moving the volume up 10% at a time OR just throwing someone in the deep end of the volume and watching them sink or swim.

Transition to Intensification After 8 weeks you shift away from the supplemental work and inch your way closer to the conditions of the actual tested movement. Although most novices will PR at this point anyway – pull the volume back, here is a simple 6 week look at what it could look like.

Accumulation – working on controlling the descent and confidence in the bottom

Front Squat 3×5 @ 4301 (15 total reps )

Front Squat 4×5 @ 4301 (20 total reps)

Front Squat 5×5 @ 4301 (25 total reps)

Intensification – stripping the tempo to use the new found confidence in the bottom that hopefully improved structure to apply to the tested lift.

Front Squat @ 31X1 (23 total reps)

Front Squat @ 31X1 (13 total reps)

Front Squat @ 31X1 (9 total reps)

Retest Front Squat: Gather new noticing about the people who tracked and tested the prior 1rm, gather fresh noticing for the new batch of Crossfitters that have entered the fray in the middle of the cycle or just recently.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Monday 9.5.16 CLOSED FOR LABOR DAY” open=”false”]Hey, we are closed – its Labor Day.

Open Gym is from 8-10 though, come in and mess around for a bit.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Tuesday 9.6.16″ open=”false”]Tuesday 9.6.16

A. 15-20 minutes to establish

Front Squat 6.4.2 @ 52X1

rest 3-5 minutes between sets, during that time perform 8 scap pulls with a 3 second pause at the top

***score is weights used


15 Minute amrap

10 Pull Ups

15 Sit Ups

50 Double Unders


A. Take some time to work up to a heavy 6 for the front squat, you’ll add weight and hit a 4, then again for the 2. Just make sure that first 6 is solid. You’ll notice the tempo has moved up from the last time. This will be the last piece in the accumulation for this before we strip the tempo.

B. You can sub ring rows for strict pull ups, but make them hard enough where 10 kind of suck. You can kip these as well now that we are getting away from the strict variants a bit more. Or if it makes sense for your “function” do strict.

For scaled – Double unders will be a 1:1 singles to doubles. If you have some doubles we can find some common ground to work with.

You can use an ab-mat, those are reserved for first come first serve, people with newly tattooed tramp stamps on their lower back – or low back models.

[Coaches Notes:]

The 6.4.2 should be WORKING SETS, of course this is in context of how much experience you have as well. I want that first 6 to feel like you couldn’t have gotten a 7th, and so on through the 4.2.  – On the other end of the spectrum, if you don’t have any experience you may want to just use the 6 and 4 to find a moderate 2 for the day.

The wods focus has a bit more aerobic to it this time, but just the accumulation of volume in the strict pull ups and double unders, a bit of core work as well is still the main focus. This may feel like “conditioning” for someone who is a stud with pull ups, thats fine this time through – slight modifications may be appropriate to move some people from regular to chest to bar or otherwise.  Try to move through the workout at a smooth pace, if that gives you an indication of what I am looking for. I don’t mind seeing a 5.3.2 on the pull ups if that gives you an idea as well.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Wednesday 9.7.16″ open=”false”]Wednesday 9.7.16

A. Strength Work

15-20 minutes to establish

Close Grip Bench Press 6.4.2 @ 62X1, rest 3-5 minutes between sets

***score is weight for your sets


B. Strength Work

3 Rounds

Romanian Deadlifts 8-12 @ 33X1

Weighted Bench Dips 8-12 @ 30×0

rest 2:00

***score is weight used

C. Conditioning – Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

For time

Row 250m

10 Russian KB Swings

10 Burpees

10 Russian KB Swings

10 Burpees

10 Russian KB Swings

Sprint 200m


A. All of our coaches should know our standards for the CGBP

B. Keep a solid back position, unless otherwise stopped by hamstring tension, your RDL should end with your spine parallel to the ground. Weighted Bench Dips, you can use boxes, you can put your feet on the ground for assistance, just keep to the tempo – once you break tempo you are done. Remember – the reps, sets, tempo, rest dictates the load – NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

[Coaches Notes:]

Parts A and B are some strength work, self explanatory -but for C, this is some Lactic Endurance work.

Lets imagine your body has 5 gears

I want you in 4th gear with steady RPM’s, rather than lactic power which would be gear 4 with high RPM’s. Make sense?

Some traits associated with this type of training – without oxygen, lactate as fuel source, enduring some pain here but not as much as lactic power, maybe a little brain fog/brain drain to really dig deep and finish it hard, heavy breathing with few transitions. Go at a pace where you feel as though you might have been able to go a smidge faster – I completely understand that you COULD go that fast possibly, but thats the different between training and testing. 85% effort on this one here.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Thursday 9.8.16″ open=”false”]Thursday 9.8.16


6 Rounds

30s Push Press/Burpees

30s Run

rest 4 minutes between rounds


Push Presses are performed on the odd rounds, Burpees on the even rounds – if you are hitting less than 10 per round you are doing it wrong. Looking for a high cycle  touch and go weight. No more that one broken set in that first 30s

I want you to work hard enough in the 60s so that you feel as though you need that 5 minutes of walking to recover before giving it another good effort. Think of a lot of work in a short amount of time, aggression, explosive. This will have more of that “brain fog” after the rounds associated with it on account of the CNS effect of it. Like I said yesterday, this is now gear 4 out of 5 and you are pushing at a high RPM instead of a steady RPM.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Friday 9.9.16″ open=”false”]Friday 9.9.16

A. warm up/skill

10-15 minutes coaches choice Snatch warm up!

B. Skill and/or Strength

10 minutes to establish a Power Snatch 2rm

take 5 minutes MAX to get your weights on the bar, then start part C immediately.

C. Skill and/or Strength

Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

1-2 Power Snatches @ 80-90%

D. Optional Shoulder Circuit if time allows – Supplemental Strength

3 Rounds

15 Front Raises

15 Lateral Raises

15 Rear Delt Raises

*perform the sets unbroken, don’t use your body for momentum.


B. Keep the PS heavy but technically sound.

C. Stay fast and pretty with these

D. Use light weight on these, an unbroken set of 45 without swinging your body and controlling the weight is difficult.

[Coaches Notes:]

You may not be in a position where you should be loading with the power snatch, in that case during the 10 minutes the coach will decide if it will do best to have the athlete hit 3-5 Hang Power Snatches at the 0,2,4,6,8,10 marks during the 10 minute max – at PVC or the bar, working on a specific cue each time. Once you reach a level of competency with the bar or PVC – the coach will decide when you go up in weight, just stay there with the bar and get some practice in for now

If the 8 minute amrap starts and we back the ranges down to 2-3 for you but decide you still will remain and PVC or the bar, so be it.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Saturday 9.10.16″ open=”false”]Saturday 9.10.16


Dumbbell Row


Amrap in 12 minutes – Teams of 2

6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

Run 100m


This was a format normally reserved for Friday – we pushed everything forward due to being closed on Monday. Still keeping the horizontal pulling in the strength – because everyone can use it. Moving the single leg work to a CP conditioning format.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Sunday 9.11.16″ open=”false”]Sunday 9.10.16


Pair Up and talk about TGU’s, and the wall ball set


Hit 1x max effort wall ball set


Amrap in 40 minutes – Teams of 2-3

Person 1: Row 1k

Person 2: Turkish Get Up + Overhead Walk

Person 3: Unbroken Wall Ball Set @ 30% of your max wall balls + Breathing Practice


Seeing as how I coach this class – I’ll keep all the juicy details and just explain them during class on how I want this to work.[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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