Wednesday 9-17-15

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Overhead mobility Posas mobility A) push press - B) OHS - 2x2@70, 75, 80%, max reps at 85% ***try to increase from 1 month ago (8/13) C) partner WOD: 3x10 Partner 1: weighted GHD w/ 20/14# med ball (toss to partner 2) Partner 2: double front squat with med ball (toss back to partner 1)

Saturday 9-13-14

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Warm-up: Dynamic warm up A) 20min to find 1RM clean grip DL B) 12min AMRAP: Baby bear complex (stay connected to the bar for each complex) 1 clean (yes, a full one) 1 push jerk 1 back squat 1 split jerk from back Your goal is 36 sets of this complex! That's 1 every 20 seconds. Pick an appropriate weight and keep that weight for the whole 12min.

Wednesday 9-10-14

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Warm-up: 500m row 20 (per leg) split jerk land + 2 lunges from landing position A) 2 front squats + 2 jerks - work to a heavy set of this complex in 25 minutes. Focus on being quick out of the bottom of the squat and explosive under the bar. NO PRESS OUTS ALLOWED. :) B) OHS - find a heavy set of 2 for today in 15min. Then 4x3 at 85% of today's heaviest set. C) 3 rounds 20 teapots (10 each side) 15 v-ups 10 jumping squats over a plate, land at parallel, fix feet before standing up

Monday 9-8-14

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There is an olympic weightlifting competition on 10/25 in Lansing, MI that a few of you guys have demonstrated some interest in! (Info on the CFSB Weightlifting Facebook page) So, for the next 7 weeks we will be preparing all of you (whether you plan to attend or not) for the competition! Instead of maxing out in 4 weeks, we'll have a prolonged cycle this time around and hit a max at week 7. 



1)  hamstring PNF stretch - 30 seconds passive, 30 seconds flexed x 4 rounds on each leg

2)  3x10 banded good mornings


A)  Snatch DL + hang snatch - 5x3@70% of 1RM


B)  Front squat - EMOM x 10min - 3 reps each round:

Rd 1-3 - 65% of 1RM

Rd 4-6 - 70%

Rd 7-9 - 80%

Rd 10 - max reps at 85%


C)  3 rounds of tabata:

Round 1 - Russian Twists (35/25#)

Round 2 - Air squats w/ plate (25/35#) and 1sec pause in bottom

Round 3 - Plank hold

Wednesday 9-3-14

By: 0

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day!! Time to get back to work :) This week may be a little crazy at the gym with it being Student Welcome Week, but we will continue kicking butt as usual. Don't forget we are approaching max out day this Saturday, so today will be flossing through some skill work. Warm up: 30yds (15 forward, 15 backward) duck walk w/ PVC pipe - every 10 steps do 3xOHS A) snatch - 2 single reps @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 75, 75% of 1RM B) clean and jerk - 2 single reps @ 60, 65, 70, 75, 75, 75% of 1RM C) 1000m row - alternating 7 hard pulls, 7 easy pulls (not for time) Then: 50 (each) partner med ball sit-up tosses