2016 10 30
Last Call – 24 hours to get your results in
2016 10 27
CrossFit Lift Off On November 3rd
Heaviest Snatch - US$3,000 Heaviest Clean and Jerk - US$3,000 Largest Weightlifting Total - US$3,000 (1st), $2,000 (2nd), $1,000 (3rd). Largest Overall Total - US$3,000, plus custom Rogue bearing bar, full set of competition bumper plates, metal change plates, Oso collars, engraved weight belt Second Largest Overall Total - $2,500 plus custom Rogue bearing bar, full set of competition bumper plates, metal change plates, Oso collars Third Largest Overall Total - $2,000 plus custom Rogue bearing bar, metal change plates, Oso collars Fourth Largest Overall Total - $1,500 plus custom Rogue bearing bar and Oso collars Fifth Largest Overall Total - $1,000 plus custom Rogue bearing bar Best Pound-for-Pound - $3,000 (1st), $2,000 (2nd), $1,000 (3rd) Each of the prizes above will be awarded to a man and a woman in the Open Division. In all instances, men and women will be rewarded equally. The athletes with the five largest overall totals in the Masters and Teenage Divisions will receive the Rogue equipment packages as listed above.Weightlifting total = snatch + clean and jerk Overall total = snatch poundage + clean and jerk poundage + workout reps Pound-for-pound = (snatch + clean and jerk) / bodyweight
Unlike any other CrossFit competition, the CrossFit Liftoff will include weight classes.Men - 135/150/165/180/195/210/225/226+ Women - 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/171+
The weights are in pounds, and express the upper limit for each weight class. A woman who weighs 131 lb., for example, would be in the 140-lb. weight class. Athletes will have their body weight verified and recorded prior to each event. Body weight will be recorded in whole pounds only (no decimals). These weight classes will not determine the winners of the larger prizes above, but instead are intended as a tool for athletes to see how their scores compare to other athletes of a similar body weight. There are prizes for each weight class, though, too. The three largest overall totals in each weight class in the Open Division will receive a custom Rogue weight belt.HOW TO COMPETE
As the CrossFit Games Open, the CrossFit Liftoff will be held in participating CrossFit affiliates around the world. Athletes can snatch, clean and jerk, and work out in front of a judge and get their scores validated by the affiliate manager. Alternatively, athletes may video record their performances and submit YouTube video links with their scores. Please note all athletes are advised to film their performances—even if the athlete performs the workout in an affiliate in front of a judge—since a video record of all workouts is required in order to claim any prize. There will be three divisions: Open (all ages), Masters (40+), and Teenage (14-17). Anyone 14 years old or older can compete. It costs $10 to sign up. Registration begins Saturday, Oct. 15 at Games.CrossFit.com.2016 10 27
2016 10 26
Amy’s Treat Corner: Halloween 2016
- Take three medium or two large Granny Smith apples wash, and cut in thin slices
- 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon sprinkle over the apples
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt sprinkled on the apples
- 1/2 cup coconut cream pour over apples
- 1/4 cup Maple syrup for over the apples
- 1 cup pecan pieces or Walnut
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup almond flour
- 4 tablespoons coconut oil make sure it is melted
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla or almond extract
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2016 10 26
November Fundamentals Begins Tomorrow
2016 10 24
2016 10 23
Barbells For Boobs This Weekend
2016 10 20
Mitch Officially A CFSB Coach!
2016 10 20
What does your perfect day look like?
2016 10 19