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Programming 8.15 – 8.21

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title=”Whats going on at CFSB” open=”false”]Wild Planet Seafood: 2016 CrossFit Games Special Edition Wellness Wednesday

CrossFit South Bend Closed for CrossFit Football Seminar this weekend! Click here for details

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Kids Class Summer/Fall Schedule

2016 Student Welcome Week! Click her for details

 August Fundamentals 


***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)***[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Monday 8.15.16″ open=”false”]Monday 8.15.16

A. Strength Work

15-20 minutes to establish

Front Squat 6.4.2 @ 42X1

rest 3-5 minutes between sets, during that time perform 8 scap pulls with a 3 second pause at the top

***score is weights used


B. Muscle Endurance Work – Volume

5 Rounds
10 Strict Pull Ups
30-50 Double Unders
30s Handstand Hold

***score – total double unders


A. Take some time to work up to a heavy 6 for the front squat, you’ll add weight and hit a 4, then again for the 2. Just make sure that first 6 is solid. You’ll notice the tempo has moved up from the last time.

B. You can sub ring rows for strict pull ups, but make them hard.

For scaled – Double unders will be a 1:1 singles to doubles.

If you suck at double unders, just accumulate at 30 and stop there

To challenge everyone who has solid double unders or even if you are doing singles – once you hit the 30 mark, if you trip anywhere between the 30 and the 50 mark, that is your score for that round. If you finish 50, that is your score.

The continuum of the handstand hold progression can look like this today.

Forward Leaning Rest – Toes on Box Handstand – Wall Walk Handstand Hold – Freestanding Handstand Hold

[Coaches Notes:]

The 6.4.2 should be WORKING SETS, of course this is in context of how much experience you have as well. I want that first 6 to feel like you couldn’t have gotten a 7th, and so on through the 4.2.  – On the other end of the spectrum, if you don’t have any experience you may want to just use the 6 and 4 to find a moderate 2 for the day.

The wods focus is not for time, but just the accumulation of volume in the strict pull ups and double unders, a bit of core work as well. This may feel like “conditioning” for someone who is a stud with pull ups, in that case, the coach will upgrade you to weighted pull ups, or to something a bit more difficult. Try to move through the workout at a smooth pace, if that gives you an indication of what I am looking for.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Tuesday 8.16.16″ open=”false”]Tuesday 8.16.16

A. Strength Work

15-20 minutes to establish

Close Grip Bench Press 6.4.2 @ 52X1, rest 3-5 minutes between sets

***score is weight for your sets


B. Strength Work

3 Rounds
Romanian Deadlifts 8-12 @ 33X1
Weighted Bench Dips 8-12 @ 30×0
rest 2:00

***score is weight used

C. Conditioning – Anaerobic Lactic Endurance

For time

50 Russian KB Swings

25 No Push Up Burpees

Sprint 200m


A. All of our coaches should know our standards for the CGBP

B. Keep a solid back position, unless otherwise stopped by hamstring tension, your RDL should end with your spine parallel to the ground. Weighted Bench Dips – you can do this, you can use boxes, you can put your feet on the ground for assistance, just keep to the tempo – once you break tempo you are done. Remember – the reps, sets, tempo, rest dictates the load – NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

[Coaches Notes:]

Parts A and B are some strength work, self explanatory -but for C, this is some Lactic Endurance work.

Lets imagine your body has 5 gears

I want you in 4th gear with steady RPM’s, rather than lactic power which would be gear 4 with high RPM’s. Make sense?

Some traits associated with this type of training – without oxygen, lactate as fuel source, enduring some pain here but not as much as lactic power, maybe a little brain fog/brain drain to really dig deep and finish it hard, heavy breathing with few transitions. Go at a pace where you feel as though you might have been able to go a smidge faster. I shouldn’t see you falling on the ground and rolling around after – I completely understand that you COULD go that fast possibly, but thats the different between training and testing. 85% effort on this one here.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Wednesday 8.17.16″ open=”false”]Wednesday 8.17.16

A. Conditioning – Lactic Power

4 Rounds

60s to perform

Plate Push Down 20 yards

5 Ball Slams

Plate Push Back 20 yards

Sprint in the remaining time.

walk 5 minutes between rounds

****rest as long as it takes for you to get your equipment out for part B after A.


B. Conditioning – Light aerobic/recovery

3 Rounds – 3 minute amrap @ 70%

30 Singles

4 Alternating Spiderman with twist

4 Inchworms

walk 3 minutes between rounds



I have a particular setup in mind for this one so that it flows well and you get the correct response, what response you might ask? Think of it this way…I want you to work hard enough in the 60s so that you feel as though you need that 5 minutes of walking to recover before giving it another good effort. Think of a lot of work in a short amount of time, aggression, explosive. This will have more of that “brain fog” after the rounds associated with it on account of the CNS effect of it. Like I said yesterday, this is now gear 4 out of 5 and you are pushing at a high RPM instead of a steady RPM.

Lets see if I can explain the flow – You’ll start at the south garage door where the turf begins – push 20 yards into the turf, perform 5 fast ball slams, push 20 yards back, then sprint out the remaining time back and forth on the blacktop – all the way out to the 50 and back as many times as you can get it.

I’m also going to stop putting in rest/walk when I want you to walk. Because most people sit, instead of walk – and I want you walking during rest.

B. The aerobic is shifting back a little on account of the volume increasing on these lactic power days – the rounds and time are going up. So the effort and movement selection is pulling back to something that resembles recovery work a bit more, just breath and move smooth through the light aerobic work. This is definitely sustainable, gear 1 of 5, zone 1, however you want to look at it. Hit quality movement on the spiderman and inchworms – work on your breathing.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Thursday 8.18.16″ open=”false”]Thursday 8.18.16

A. warm up/skill

10-15 minutes coaches choice Snatch warm up!


B. Skill and/or Strength

10 minutes to establish a Hang Power Snatch 2rm

take 2-5 minutes MAX to get your weights on the bar, then start part C immediately.


C. Skill and/or Strength

Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

2-3 Hang Power Snatches @ 70-80%


D. Optional Shoulder Circuit if time allows – Supplemental Strength

3 Rounds

15 Front Raises

15 Lateral Raises

15 Rear Delt Raises

*perform the sets unbroken, don’t use your body for momentum.


B. Keep the HPS heavy but technically sound.

C. Stay fast and pretty with these

D. Use light weight on these, an unbroken set of 45 without swinging your body and controlling the weight is difficult.

[Coaches Notes:]

You may not be in a position where you should be loading with the hang power snatch, in that case during the 10 minutes the coach will decide if it will do best to have the athlete hit 3-5 Hang Power Snatches at the 0,2,4,6,8,10 marks during the 10 minute max – at PVC or the bar, working on a specific cue each time. Once you reach a level of competency with the bar or PVC – the coach will decide when you go up in weight, just stay there with the bar and get some practice in for now 🙂 If the 8 minute amrap starts and we back the ranges down to 2-3 for you but decide you still will remain and PVC or the bar, so be it.


 [/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Friday 8.19.16″ open=”false”]Friday 8.19.16
A. Strength

3 Rounds

Left Arm Single Arm Dumbbell Row 8-12 @ 30X2

rest 30 seconds

Right Arm Single Arm Dumbbell Row 8-12 @ 30X2

rest 30s

Left Leg Single Leg Step Up 8-12 @ 3101

rest 30s

Right Leg Single Leg Step Up 8-12 @ 3101

***score is weight


B. Plyometric Core work

Teams of 2 – 10 minute amrap

5 Forward Facing Right Side Throws to Partner

5 Forward Facing Left Side Throws to Partner

5 Lateral Right Side Throws to Partner

5 Lateral Left Side Throws to Partner

5 Med Ball Sit Up Throws to Partner

rest 30s between rounds – make the rounds aggressive.


A. keep that final pull at the top end for the full 2 seconds – for the single leg step ups, we want all 8-12 one leg, then switch to the other leg. we have all kinds of crazy criteria for today’s step ups.

  1. finish one side before the other
  2. don’t touch your toe to the ground, only your heel, and you don’t get to bend that leg either
  3. don’t push your knee far over your toe
  4. ideal for us today is crease of the hip above the top of the knee

remember that the tempo and movement dictates the load, not the other way around. If you can’t use weight and keep to the tempo…maybe you need to use bodyweight or change the height of the box?

This is also now a superset rather than splitting them apart.

B. Intent here is the quality and effort of each individual repetition – not the time it took you to complete it. But that each rep was explosive and looked good. These 5’s are 5 for each partner, assuming we are throwing it back and forth.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Saturday 8.20.16 – closed for CFFB Seminar!” open=”false”]Saturday 8.20.16 – closed for CFFB Seminar!

Not doing the CFFB Seminar? Get out and do something fun, then shoot me a picture of it! @ 574.360.0966[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Sunday 8.21.16 – closed for CFFB Seminar!” open=”false”]Sunday 8.21.16 – closed for CFFB Seminar!

Not doing the CFFB Seminar? Get out and do something fun, then shoot me a picture of it! @ 574.360.0966[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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