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Do you ever get Hangry (Hungry+Angry)?

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Hanger=Being angry because you’re hungry

Here’s a super important point to recognize about hanger.

Hanger is very common but it is not normal.

Another way to say this is that hanger happens very frequently for a number of people, but in a normal healthy human being it should not happen very frequently if at all.

What causes hanger?

-Many things can cause hanger, but the main cause is chronic blood sugar highs and lows.

Why do blood sugar issues cause hanger ?

-Because when your blood sugar drops too low your body releases cortisol to bring it back up, and cortisol is your master stress hormone.

So, how do you fix this?

-First, focus on eating real whole nutrient dense food like quality protein, veggies, and healthy fat. That will help stabilize your blood sugar.

-Also, make sure you get enough sleep that will help regulate your blood sugar and your cravings.

If you experience hanger on a regular basis, that’s your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong and that something needs to be done to fix it.