Margaret and CFSB’s New You Challenge
Participating in this program is easily one of the best decisions I’ve made towards achieving my health and fitness goals. The program was well balanced covering exercise, diet, as well as lifestyle habits. The coaches were dedicated, not just in teaching the group classes, but in catering to individual questions and needs outside of the gym. I was initially taken aback by the honesty and frankness, but I came to appreciate the no bullshit attitude. There were no empty promises about amazing results and the responsibility of following the program was placed solely on the participant; the coaches were there to coach, not to drag me along kicking and screaming.
Consciously taking full ownership of my health was an important choice the New You Challenge helped me to make. Whether I met my initial goals or not, I know I’ve taken steps in a direction I want to go. Woo!
2017 12 10