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Programming 9.12 – 9.18

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title=”Whats going on at CFSB” open=”false”]Say goodbye to train heroic

New Shadow Coach Andrew Foster

Shifting to Intensification 

Wades Army 2016! Click here for details

September Fundamentals Begins this week as well! 

Wellness Wednesday –What kind of relationship do you have with food?

Stay tuned for Barbells for Boobs as well!

***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)**[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Monday 9.12.16″ open=”false”]Monday 9.12.16


Deadlift @ 32X1, rest 3-5 minutes between sets

***Score weights


Amrap in 8 minutes

Toes to Bar
Deficit Push Ups – 45’s on each side

3,3..6,6..9,9..etc – keep going up the ladder by 3’s

***Score total repetitions


DEADLIFTS: I’d prefer these 4’s are all within 80% of your final heavy ass set. Meaning if I intend on finishing at 425, my sets leading up that actually count as working sets are…365,385,405, 425.

If you have no idea where you will end up, warm up until you hit your first conservative heavy 4 then add 5% for attempts until you fail from a technical point of view or otherwise.

That would look like this – If hit a hard but smooth 4 reps @ 275 and determine it’s a good starting spot with some room for improvement.

Then hit…290,305,320. But if you get to that 4th set at 320 and think you STILL can go up?! scratch the 275# and keep going until you fail a set.

AMRAP: Pick a scaling that you can cruise through and/or – more appropriately – the scaling that you used for the tester at the beginning of the cycle (assuming you did that one) with 75 toes to bar for time.

Oh, and they are deficit for a reason, don’t put the plates on and not touch your chest to the ground – if you don’t pass through the plates to get to the floor you are missing the point of the deficit.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Tuesday 9.13.16″ open=”false”]Tuesday 9.13.16


Bulgarian Split Squat 8.8.8 @ 3010

***Score weight


Bent Over Row 8.8.8 @ 30X1

***Score weight


Teams of 5-7

5 Rounds in a tag team format

7 Russian KB Swings

Sprint 80 Yards – 40 out, 40 back, tag your partner

***Score time


Bulgarian Split Squat: @ the top of a 2 minute mark, hit a heavy 8 with your left leg, the next 2 minute mark will be your right leg – continue this until you have hit 3 sets of heavy 8’s each leg – don’t forget, all that accumulative tempo has been stripped to a basic tempo

Bent Over Row: @ the top of a 4 minute mark hit a heavy 8 on a bent over row, again, tempo has been stripped down so you should be able to go heavier


I do 7 swings, I sprint 40 yards, I turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 2

They do 7 swings, sprint 40 yards, turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 3

They do 7 swings, sprint 40 yards, turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 4

They do 7 swings, sprint 40 yards, turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 5

They do 7 swings, sprint 40 yards, turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 6

They do 7 swings, sprint 40 yards, turn around, sprint 40 back, tag person 7

we repeat this shit 5 times[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Wednesday 9.14.16″ open=”false”]Wednesday 9.14.16


6 Rounds

60s Run/Row @ 90%

rest/walk 5:00 between rounds

***Score meters for row, score yardage for run


Run for a round

Row for a round

Repeat by 3

90% is the percentage of effort – which means you should hit it hard enough to where you feel you need 5:00 to recover enough to repeat that hard effort and to be consistent


[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Thursday 9.15.16″ open=”false”]Thursday 9.15.16


Back Squat @ 30X1

Between sets hit 5-10 Scap Pulls and 5-10 Push Up Plus

Rest about 3-5 minutes between sets

***Score is weights


Amrap in 8 minutes

2 Heavy Thrusters

Max Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups

***Score is weight and number of pull ups


Back Squat: Hit a heavy 3 and 2…then do it again, try to squeak up a few lbs higher on the second set of 3.2 – the tempo is stripped down, so you should be able to load this up

Thrusters and Pull Ups: Heavy as you can manage for a double while pulling from the floor, don’t shred your hands on the pull ups[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Friday 9.16.16″ open=”false”]Friday 9.16.16


Press 2.2.2 @ 32X1

***Score is weights


10 Minutes to establish a 1rm Hang Power Clean


Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes

1-2 reps @ 80-90% of 1rm


Press: Tempo is staying for the press, you hit a 2-3 range last time, lets get some heavy 2’s this time through

HPC: This may just be technique practice for some of you – but for the rest of you, load this up but stay technical[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Saturday 9.17.16″ open=”false”]Saturday 9.17.16


3 Rounds

8 High Box Jumps

250m Row

directly into

3 Rounds

8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

30 Double Unders


Box Jumps, as high as you can get them so you can’t just fly through them – but not so high that you eat shit while trying to hit it. Its a fine line on this one.

FRRL, Pulled from ground…heavy

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Sunday 9.18.16″ open=”false”]Sunday 9.18.16



@ the top of a 3 minute mark for 30 minutes

20 Russian Twists

20 Kettlebell Swings

10 Yard shuttle runs in remaining time


Keep the weights light, smooth, and pretty unbroken – rounds are consistent!


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