Programming 5.7 – 5.13

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[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Whats going on this week!"] NEW SWAG! Pre Orders are up! Get it in by Friday! Love us at CFSB? Want to leave us a review? It really helps! Facebook PAGE REVIEW: Click here! Facebook PLACE REVIEW: Click here! Google: Click here!  Follow us on instagram here [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Monday 5.7"] FIT A. EMOM Pull Ups x 8-12 *Banded Weighted Glute Bridge x 8-12 x 3 Sets (6 min) Build B. EMOM Left Split Squat in place x 8-12 Right Split Squt in place x 8-12 Left Side Plank x 20-45s Right Side Plank x 20-45s x 3 Sets (12 min) Build C. 10 Minute Amrap 5+ Max Strict Presses @ 45/35 Every time you break, perform 50 Singles If the bar is too heavy, use dumbells or weighted PVC COMP A. EMOM Front Squat x 5 1 minute rest Weighted Glute Bridge x 8-12 1 minute rest x 6 Sets (24 min) Build on first 3 sets, last 3 sets challenging B. 10 Minute Amrap 10 Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead 30 Double Unders If you break, you must take weight off your bar, and you can't put it back on. Score: Fit A: Total Pull Ups Fit B: Split Squat Weight Fit C: Total # of presses COMP A: Front Squat Weight COMP B: Shoulder to Overhead Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Tuesday 5.8"] FIT A. EMOM Deadlift x 8-12 Push Ups 1 minute rest x 5 Sets (15 min) Push ups aren't unbroken, just go Build on DL B. For time - 10 min cap 40 Ring Rows Run 200m 40 Hanging Knee Raises Run 200m 40 Kettlebell Swings Run 200m COMP A. EMOM Power Clean x 3 rest 2 min x 5 sets (15 Min) Build B. For time - 10 min cap 20 Strict Pull Ups Run 200m 20 Hanging Hip Taps (L/R=1) Run 200m 20 AHAP Dumbbell Swings Run 200m Score: Fit A: Deadlift weight Fit B: Time or reps in cap Comp A: Power Clean weight Comp B: Time or reps in cap [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Wednesday 5.9"] FIT & COMP A. 30 Minute Amrap - Alternate Movements between teams of 2 15 Cal Bike 15 Cal Row 30 Double Unders 15 Box Jumps with Step Down Farmers Walk 50 Yards out and back (25 out and back) Score: FIT & COMP: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Thursday 5.10"] FIT A. EMOM Bent Over Barbell Row x 8-12 rest 1 minute Back Squat x 6-9 rest 1 minute x 5 Sets (20 min) Build across sets B. 8 Floor Presses (AHAP) Max Unbroken Weighted Glute Bridges with that same weight rest as long as it takes for your partner to go x 4 Sets each COMP A. EMOM Weighted Pull Up x 1-3 rest 1 minute Bent Over Barbell Row x 8-12 rest 1 minute x 5 Sets (20 min) Build across sets B. 8 Floor Presses (AHAP) Max Unbroken Weighted Glute Bridges with that same weight rest as long as it takes for your partner to go x 4 Sets each Score: Fit A: Back Squat Weight Fit B: Floor Press Weight COMP A: Weighted Pull Up Weight COMP B: Floor Press Weight [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Friday 5.11"] Don't forget! Pre-Orders are up today for Swag! FIT A. EMOM Strict Press x 8-12 10-15 Steps Left Hip Circles 10-15 Steps Right Hip Circles x 4 Sets (12 min) Build across the sets B. EMOM Rear Foot Elevated DB RDL Left x 8-12 Rear Foot Elevated DB RDL Right x 8-12 Forearm Plank x 30-45s x 4 Sets (12 min) Build across the sets C. 10 Minute Amrap 3+ Max Strict Pull Ups 15 Ball Slams *use bands if needed COMP A. EMOM Press x 5 rest 2 minutes x 4 sets (12 min) Build across the sets B. EMOM Push Press x 2 rest 2 minutes x 4 sets (12 min) Build across the sets C. 10 Minute Amrap 2 Rope Climbs 20 Ball Slams FIT A: Strict Press Weight FIT B: RDL Weight FIT C: Rounds + Reps COMP A: Press Weight COMP B: Push Press Weight COMP C: Rounds + Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Saturday 5.12"] FIT & COMP Teams of Two - 60s at each station split between partners (30s a piece) Wall Balls Russian KBS Box Jumps with Step Down Push Press Double Unders x 4 Sets (20 min) FIT & COMP: Total Reps [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion] [eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title="Sunday 5.13"] FIT & COMP A. 10s Bike @ 100% effort walk 2:30 x 5 Sets B. Death by 10m Score: Death by 10 [/elitetoggle][/eliteaccordion]
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Easy Home Remedies for Digestion

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Today, we're going to talk about some super simple home remedies that you can use to help improve your digestion. In other videos, we'll talk about more advanced things but today we're going to talk about the super simple ones that pretty much anyone can do at home and these are things that you would want to check off the list first just to make sure that it's not something super simple that you've overlooked. Number one is a huge one and I would readily admit that this is something that I work on myself, but it is really an important issue. Chew your food. Chew your food. There are a couple of reasons why that's important. One of my favorite sayings when it comes to digestion is there are no teeth in the stomach. What does that mean? It means once things have essentially gotten to your stomach, there's acid to help break things down, but if you have a piece of food that basically hasn't been chewed properly and it's making a way down to your stomach and then your small intestine, it's not going to be absorbed properly if you didn't break it down sufficiently in your mouth. You want to chew your food. Chewing your food sufficiently also helps activate certain enzymes in your mouth that help start to break down certain compounds in the food and it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, the so-called rest and digest nervous system that's necessary to help you digest. If you're in a constant state of sympathetic, kind of go, go, go mode, then it's going to be very hard to digest food. Along with that same idea of chewing your food, you want to sit down and eat your food. This is something, while the chewing I'm still working on, sit down and eat your food I've gotten pretty good at. Most of us today eat on the run whether it's in our car or we're answering emails. I routinely get emails from people who tell me I don't take a lunch or it's 15 minutes or they're just gobbling down food. Again, if you've activated that sympathetic nervous system, it's going to be very hard to digest in that mode. You want to sit down. Take some time out. It doesn't need to be all the way to French culture where they take an hour and a half each day for food, for lunch although that would be nice. But it shouldn't be five minutes where you're scarfing down something and answering emails and driving somewhere either. Take some time out and sit down and eat your food. Number three, water. Water is great, super healthy for you, but at the same time you shouldn't necessarily be drinking it during your meals. There are different reasoning you hear behind this. Some people suggest that it dilute stomach acid. Some people suggest that if you have cold water it's going to reduce the rate at which enzymes are going to be breaking down your food. But just in general, you want to try to eat your food and not drink it, so one of the most compelling reasons I've heard is this idea that people use water as a means to swallow otherwise improperly chewed food. If that's your reason for drinking water when you're eating, then you probably want to slow down, chew your food and not drink a bunch of water to have it go all the way down. Number four, you want to try and express gratitude or de-stress or maybe it's 10 deep belly breaths or maybe if you're religious, maybe it's praying or maybe it's meditation or maybe it's a quick laugh before a meal. Something where you're activating that parasympathetic system and you're not constantly in this go, go, go mode where you feel like you can't really properly digest things. Then number five is going to be that you want to try and cook your food or mash it. If you really are having digestive issues, one of the best things you can do is, A, cook your food. That's going to "predigest" it for you. Then in addition to that, the more you mash up the food, the easier it is to digest so something like, I don't know, white potato fries are going to be harder to digest than baked potato that has basically been mashed up. Hopefully, those things can help you with your digestion and you definitely want to try those things first before you go deeper down the rabbit hole and we'll talk about some alternative strategies for improving your digestion in later videos. All right, guys. Thanks so much for tuning in. See you next time.

NEW SWAG ALERT: Red, White, and Blue CFSB Shirts

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Just in time for summer, we are proud to launch our next shirt and tank top! The t-shirt and racer back tank top are a gray tri-blend material with CrossFit South Bend in red, white and blue! These shirts and tanks won't make your reps any easier for Memorial Day Murph but you'll look good doing it! DEADLINE FOR ORDERING THE SHIRTS IS 1 WEEK - so Friday May 11th Womens Shirt Order Link Mens Shirt Order Link - Chad

Top 5 Fat Loss Myths

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  Today we are gonna talk about fat loss myths. The overwhelming majority of people who come to see us are very much interested in weight loss and health. Usually what people mean by weight loss is fat loss. Presumably someone doesn't wanna lose muscle, they wanna be losing fat and building muscle or keeping muscle. Let's talk about some common myths that we tend to see when we work with people. Myth #1 If you work out enough you can eat whatever you want.    I would say number is working out can not fix a crappy diet. We tell people this over and over and over again. Just do the math on the situation. At most, you're gonna be at the gym, what, five hours a week? Let's even say six or seven hours a week. Just mathematically that's gonna be a fraction of a fraction of the time that you're gonna spend eating food, sleeping, distressing, all these lifestyle things that are absolutely necessary for health. So while we think working out is tremendously important, we wouldn't be in the gym business if we didn't, for your overall health and fitness it is not enough to overcome a crappy diet and it's especially not enough for fat loss. Myth #2 You can always lose fat if you burn more calories than you consume. Another thing I would say is the notion of calories in, calories out. Now, let me preface this by saying I do think calories are important and I do think they can be important when you are talking about fat loss. One common thing that gets confused is the notion of actually trying to decrease your calories versus tracking your calories. Ideally you would want some way of eating that spontaneously leads to a calorie reduction in the food you're eating without having to worry about it. The type of eating that we recommended here, namely real wholefood that's nutrient dense, that gives you even blood sugar throughout the day, that is not psychologically addictive, tends to lead, generally speaking, to fewer calories without having to track calories. Now that isn't perfect, people can eat tons of bananas or jar of coconut oil and that will mess things up. But generally speaking, that approach, at least initially, will tend to yield more benefits, than trying to get a 1,000 or 1,500 calories with not so good food. The best of both worlds is of course food quality as the base, and then building on top of that with some calories in, calories out and maybe some macros. Myth #3 If you eat less and workout more you always lose fat  Another thing I would, in regard to both of those, is this idea of eating less and working out more. I've seen this over and over and over and over again backfire on people. You may have seen this person in the gym running on the treadmill, 45 minutes to an hour a day, and he or she is eating a 1,000 calories and they're wondering, "Why am I not losing that last 10 pounds?" Well you're stressing your body out. Working out is a stress on the body, in particular excess cardio can be a stress on the body. Too few calories and too few nutrients is a stress on the body, and if you're already stressed that can lead to more stress. It's not to say that there isn't a time and a place for eating less and working out more, but in general we've seen even more benefit from eating more, real whole food and eating adequate calories, and working out less, but smarter, working out more efficiently in a way in which is going to help you overall. Myth #4 You can spot reduce fat from different locations on your body Another fat loss myth that I see is the notion of spot reducing. Sometimes we'll see people who said that they wanna spot reduce on their triceps, or they just wanna spot reduce belly fat or their legs. To a certain extent you can do this, belly fat tends to be more associated with cortisol and stress issues, excess leg fat particularly in women can be related to estrogen and hormonal issues, things like that. But you're not gonna be able to zoom in and sniper target each of these things, it's going to be something where overall you're going to need to lose fat in your body, and then something that will be even more important to your fat loss is gonna be getting those hormones in line to even reduce in those areas. It's not like you can cut your calories a certain amount and it will specifically go to your legs or specifically go to your tricep, it's going to go more broadly over the rest of the body. Myth #5 Fad diets are a great way to lose fat long term. ​​​​​​​ And then the last fat loss myth I would say is the notion that fat diets work. We see this over and over and over again. I suppose if your goal is very quick, short term weight loss that's not gonna stick, then yeah, a fat diet can work certainly, you can lose 20, 30 pounds. But presumably most people want to lose weight long term and keep it off long term. They don't wanna go through this yo-yo. Fat diets may get you some quick water weight loss, they'll probably even help you lose some muscle, which that's not so good either, and then you'll get some temporarily fat loss, but it's not gonna be long term sustainable, 'cause you're not eating adequately in terms of nutrients and calories for your body and your body is just gonna balance back. What we propose here is real, wholefood for a more sustainable, long term way to lose fat, and we've seen that be incredibly effective. If you guys are interested in losing fat, please hit us up, contact us, we'll be happy to meet with you. Thanks so much for tuning in and we'll see you next time. Best, Robby