Grocery Store Tour With CrossFit South Bend and Fresh Thyme

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Saturday 2.25.17 

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Week 1- Day 6  A. Pause Front Squat + Pause Jerk Dip Squat (3 sec) –  75% x 3+3 x 4 B. Snatch – 70% x 1, 75% x 1, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 85% x 1 x 2
 C. Clean & Jerk (3 sec hold in split, 3 sec hold after recovery) –  70% x 1+1, 75% x 1+1, 80% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1 x 2 ***Increase bold weights if you feel good to a max of 90% *** D. A1. Snatch Grip Overhead Bar Carry  - 3 x 50m A2. Weighted Planks – 3x30-60sec  Alternate these ! 

Thursday 2.23.17 

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Week 1 - Day 4  A. Front Squat (stop slightly short of actual max) (% of RM) –4RM,  Hit a 1 rm but go slightly under it then take that % and hit the numbers % below.  85%x4, 90%x4, 80%x Max Reps  B. Snatch Pull + Snatch -  70% x 2+1, 75% x 2+1 (x6) sets  C. Snatch Pull – 100% of snatch   4x3 D. Jack Knife - 3 x 15- (These are V-ups) 

Thursday, 2.23.17

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Back Squat 3 x 5, add 5 pounds to your last squat workout.

Bench Press 3×5, add 2.5 pounds to your last bench workout.


Complete 3 rounds: Squat 75% – 3 reps Squat 75% + 10 lbs – 3 reps Squat 75% + 20 lbs – 3 reps

Make sure you are good and warm before jumping into this. Start by squatting 75% of your 1 RM squat for 3 reps. Rack the weight away and add 10 lb. Squat another 3 reps. Rack the weight away and add 10 more lb and squat 3 reps. Limit the rest during the ascending rep scheme to as long as it takes you to add weight to the bar. Repeat two more times, rest as needed between rounds.

Push Press 7 RM


Complete 5 rounds: 15′ Rope Climbs – 1-3 reps Max reps of Ball Slams – 60 seconds Rest 60 seconds between rounds

Wednesday 2.22.17

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Week 1 Day 3 A. Power jerk + jerk (5 second hold overhead on last rep)  70-75-80% 2+1 (4)  B. Push Press BNK (behind the neck)  75% 6x4 - six sets for reps (rest 60 to 90 seconds between)  C. Walking lunges  3x10 each leg  Can add weight  D. A1-crunches 3x max  A2 - 2 are OH carry  3x50m (164 ft)  Alternate between the two of these

Primal Kitchen-Part I

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In just a few months the South Bend/Granger area will be home to one of the first Primal Kitchen restaurants not just in the country, but in the world. The Primal Kitchen restaurant will be a series of primally minded restaurants throughout the country that focus on making delicious, nutritious, real whole food meals that are convenient and affordable. In the video I sit down to chat with Tara Olson (co-owner of the Primal Kitchen restaurant with her husband Tom Olson) and Anthony Fulton, who will be the General Manager of the Primal Kitchen restaurant in Granger. In this video, which is part 1 of a three part series, Tara and Anthony discuss the philosophy behind the Primal Kitchen restaurants and what got them interested in being involved in the project. In part 2, which will come out in few weeks Tara and Anthony will give you guys an exclusive preview of certain menu options that will be available (spoiler: they sound delicious!) In part 3, Tara and Anthony will be taking us through the Primal Kitchen restaurant itself once it's fully open. You guys can follow the Primal Kitchen South Bend on Facebook and Instagram. And, if you're interested in more details about the Primal Kitchen restaurant chain you can check them out here. Tara, Tom, and Anthony we just want to say thanks so much for bringing this great restaurant to our area! We can't wait for it to open.

Tuesday 2.21.17 

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Week 1. Day 2  A. Snatch from power position (this is the same as your high hang position) 70% x 2 , 75% x 2 (x5) ** you will go back and forth btwn 70/75%  for 5 sets  B. Drop Snatch  (% of snatch) remember you are dropping fast under the bar no quick hip pop! 50% 3x5 = 3 sets of 5 reps  C. SLDL - stiffed leg deadlift  (%of BS) 55% 5x3 = 5 sets of 3 reps  D. Conditioning  Alternate these  1-Weighted Planks - 3x30 sec max  2- Single Arm Farmers Walk - 3x50m R/L  **so do the weighted plank then go into right arm FW, then left arm FW , then back to plank etc :)

Monday 2.20.17 

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Week 1/11 - AMY's  BREAKOUT /catalyst  A. Back Squat  70% x 4, 70% x 7, 70% x 10 (x2)  **so you will go thru this once then cycle back again 4-7-10  B. Clean + Power Jerk + clean + jerk  (Hold last jerk in split position five seconds)  70% x 1+1+1+1 75%  the same as above  C. Clean pull -100%  4x3  This is 100% of clean 4sets x 3 reps  D. Weighted sit ups  3x10-15 reps