Programming 1.23 – 1.29

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]CrossFit Open 2017 Registration is up! Form Collars For Sale Need some work? Open Prep Skill Sessions 2016 - Why are you doing the CFOpen? Wellness Wednesday - Should you try an elimination diet? Crossfit Reboot! Know anyone who has been off for a while? check out our CF Reboot Next BAFD @ CFSB Date Announced ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)** Member Referral Program – Always – Want to send your friends a discount to CFSB? Now you can. Click here to learn more.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 1.23" open="false"]A. Absolute Strength Front Squat 15 minutes to hit a heavy triple score = weight B. CP 20 Minute Amrap 10 Front Squats @ 60-70% 25 No Push Up Burpees 50 Jump Rope Singles score = reps C. Cool Down Couch Stretch 2 minutes each side, Pigeon 2 minutes each side Notes: No notes, pretty self explanatory[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 1.24" open="false"]A. Speed Strength Power Clean Complex - Mid Thigh + Above Knee + Floor 15 Minutes to work to a heavy set of the complex score = weight B. Aerobic 3 Rounds 3 minute amrap 3 Deadlifts 4 Hang Power Cleans 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 6 Hand Release Push Ups 2 minutes rest between rounds score = reps C. Cool Down If time allows - coaches choice cool down Notes: Stay Clean on the PC Complex Stick to a weight in B that you can cycle aerobically - smooth[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 1.25" open="false"]A. Absolute Strength Push Press 15 Minutes to hit a heavy triple score = weight B. CP 4 Rounds 3 minutes to perform 10 Push Presses @ 90% of your triple Odd Rounds - Max Cal Row in time remaining Even Rounds - Max 10- Yard Shuttle in time remaining rest 3 minutes between rounds score = cal/shuttles Notes: B. Yeah, the PP are supposed to be heavy - like, break up the reps heavy. This format we can split groups up - some to start on the run, some to start on the row, you can also stagger groups to start when the other group is resting - facilitating a decent amount of athletes here.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 1.26" open="false"]A. Speed Strength Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 1+3 15 minutes to work to a heavy set of the complex score = weight B. Aerobic 3 Rounds 3 minute amrap 7 Overhead Squats @ 50-60% of complex 7 Toes to Bar 7 Box Jumps with Step Down score = reps C. Cool Down Coaches Choice Notes: When it comes to the barbell work - Stay pretty for A, stay light for B.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 1.27" open="false"]A. Aerobic Movement Prep 5 Rounds 45s Row @ Conversational Sweaty Pace 45s to complete - 10 Scap Pull ups 45s Squat Hold score = no score B. Lactic Endurance For Time - as fast as possible 15 Cal Row 15 Wall Balls 15 Deadlifts 15 Burpees score = time Notes: Choose something for B that allows unbroken and fast sets[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday 1.28 Bring a Friend Day" open="false"]A. Aerobic Work Teams of 2 4 Rounds 30s Kettlebell Swings 30s Rest 30s Air Squats 30s Rest rest 5 minutes 4 Rounds 30s Step Ups 30s Rest 30s Plate GTO 30s Rest Notes: Teams of 2, your partner goes when "rest" is dictated.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 1.29" open="false"]A. 15 Minutes to work to a heavy set of the bear complex B. CP 12 Minute Amrap 1 Set Bear Complex @ 50% of your complex weight 9 HSPU, 15 Push Ups, 21 Incline Push Ups Notes: Choose your scaling, either you are hitting HSPU, Push Ups, or Incline Push Ups[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Friday, 1.20.17

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POWER CLEAN 5×3 Add 2.5lbs to your last power clean workout.




Complete 6 rounds: Row 250 meters *Rest 30 seconds between efforts


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of: Power Cleans to Push Press – 5 reps Dips – 5 reps

Open Prep Skill Sessions

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Each year as the Open draws closer we get a lot of inquiries asking for help on (insert movement here.) Could be toes to bar, snatches, chest to bar, butterfly pull ups, muscle ups, etc etc. Want to really make a dent in your skills with some one on one time? Get Three 30 minute skill sessions that you can schedule before or throughout the open! That way you have a bit of time to get your skills developed prior to the Open. Click here to purchase your sessions! Once purchased - Amy will be in contact within 24 hours to schedule your sessions.

Should you try an elimination diet?

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Wellness Wednesday is officially back for 2017!! We took a little hiatus there for the holidays to highlight the Whole90 challenge and some of our great success stories from 2016. But we're officially back, and we've got a whole bunch of fresh new content for you. We've got new science videos, new Amy's Treat Corner videos, new cooking demos, new testimonials, and a very special Paleo restaurant feature coming up soon! Also, in an effort to make the videos more manageable to watch I'll be making most of the science videos going forward a decent amount shorter. I still have a couple long ones in the cue (like today's) that will be showing up. So, going forward I'll be making the science videos in particular shorter for you guys so they're more accessible for everyone. With all that being said let's get to the new video for the week on elimination diets! Elimination diets are all the rage these days whether it's a gluten-free diet, a FODMAP-free diet, nightshade-free diet, 21 day sugar detox, etc. There are many different types of elimination diets, but what they all have in common is eliminating some food group or groups from your diet for a period of time. In this video we explain what an elimination diet is and how certain types of elimination diets can be helpful for you depending on your health goals. There are certain types of elimination diets that we think can be very beneficial, like a Whole30, and there are others that can be useful but may be more trouble than they're worth. One of the main points made in the video though is that most elimination diets are merely symptom control for a particular health issue and aren't always getting to the root cause of the issue. It's always important to look for that deeper root cause of a health issue that may be causing you to feel better on an elimination diet. Otherwise you might be stuck doing an elimination diet for the rest of your life, which is no fun and is missing the point because most of these elimination diets are only meant to be done for a short period of time before getting back to a slightly more relaxed form of eating.


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Click here to let us know you'll be there! The Crossfit South Bend Annual Holiday party. Come for drinks, food, games, and other shenanigans. Members and non-members welcomed, but no kiddos sorry. Feel free to invite/add others to this event page Cocktail style party, so come dressed to impress - or however you are comfortable! Potluck style, so bring either some food, drinks, or both!