Monday, 12.05.16

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BACK SQUAT 3×5 Add 5 pounds to whatever you did last time.

PRESS 3×5 Add 2.5 pounds to whatever you did last time.


FRONT SQUAT Work up to a 5 reps max. Then cut it back 20% and do one set of max reps.

PRESS 5. 5. 5. 5. 5 Work up to a heavy 5 reps.


5 Rounds


Programming 12.5 – 12.11

By: 0

[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="Whats going on at CFSB" open="false"]THIS TUESDAY!  Wades Army -12/6 CFSB Wades day at Chipotle!  THIS FRIDAY! Save the date -12/9 CFSB In House Weightlifting Competition THIS SATURDAY! Free Day/ Bring a Friend day @ Crossfit South Bend! 12/10 Click for details Massages at CFSB 12/10– Massages with Missy – Limited Spots available. Click here to learn more. OPEX Winter Classic 12/10– Free Competition @ CFSB! Spandex Day! 12/10 All BAFD! WHOLE 90 LAUNCHED!  2017 Whole 90 Nutrition Challenge Announced OTHER IMPORTANT BUSINESS! New Camp 1/7 – CrossFit South Bend Kids/Teens Winter Camp Registration Opens Soon! Click for details Fundamentals 11/29 December Fundamentals begins this week!  Students and Travelers! Membership Holds for the Holidays ***Like us here at CFSB? Show us some love by clicking here to review us on google, or here to review us on facebook. (it really does help a lot!)** Member Referral Program – Always – Want to send your friends a discount to CFSB? Now you can. Click here to learn more.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Monday 12.5" open="false"]A. Aerobic 20 minute amrap 20-30 Doubles 30s Goblet Squat Hold 30s Pillar 10 Box Step Ups no score, just flow through and keep the movement pretty B. Strength 5 x 1.1 Back Squat @ 30X1 - keep the bar on your back between squats for 15 seconds before hitting the second rep score is weight note: A. no warm up - just setup, and get right into this, a few arm and leg swings if you really need to - but this should be done at a pace where there shouldn't be much lead up - grab a rope, kb, box - 3.2.1. go. B. work up on these back squats, 95,115,145,185,205,225, etc. here is how this works you unrack it squat 1 @ 30X1 stand there for 15 seconds with your weight on your back - keeping your stomach and butt tight squat 1 @ 30X1 rack it[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Tuesday 12.6 Wades Day All Day @ Chipotle!!!" open="false"]CFSB Wades day at Chipotle!  A. CP Battery 5 Rounds 40s to perform - 5 Shoulder to Overhead Heavy, pulled from the floor rest 1:00 40s Toes to Bar rest 1:00 40s Burpee Box Jumps with Step Down rest 1:00 40s Hard row for Cals @ 85% rest 1:00 note: How is it different this time? Less rest, and now you have to do burpee box jumps score is reps combined between ttb/burpee box jump/row - push press weight is scored separately. I'd prefer that people file in through the top on this one. Go for it on the 40s marks, get after it.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Wednesday 12.7" open="false"]A. Aerobic 10 minute amrap @ 70% 50 Yard Farmers Walk 15-30 Static Side Pillar Each Side 10 Ball Slams No score, move smooth B. CP Deadlift 5,4,3,2,1 score is weights, hit each set at the top of a 3:00 mark C. 4 minute max 10 yard shuttles score total shuttles notes: a. no warm up for this, get some weights and a ball and go to town b. take 10 minutes to warm up to your 5, then add weight for each set that you drop a rep. c. yeah, 4 straight minutes of cutting and running your ass off. every 10 yard shuttle is a rep. yuck.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Thursday 12.8" open="false"]A. Vertical Pull @ the top of a 3 minute mark for 15 minutes 1x Max effort ring rows 1x Max effort strict pull ups Weighted Chin Ups (build) note: try to best your prior numbers, score is either total reps or heaviest weight B. Aerobic Armap in 20 minutes 4 Turkish Get Ups - go Heavy 20 Sit Ups 30 Double Unders note: a. take a few minutes to prep the shoulders and get after this b. try to go heavier in the TGU this time, sit ups are standard.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Friday 12.9 CFSB In House Weightlifting Competition Tonight" open="false"]Come join the Oly Class for an in house weightlifting competition @ CFSB - Snatch, Clean and Jerk. Warm Up begins at 5:30pm, first lifts begin at 6:45pm. The post will be launched on Monday the 5th with all comp details. Never hit a total before? come join us. A. 15 minutes to establish Hang Power Snatch x 3 note: score is weight, stay connected B. CP Battery 12 minute amrap 2 Rope Climbs 3 Hang Power Snatches @ 80-90% of today's 3rm 25 Air Squats note: stay connected to the bar during the HPS, even during the 12 minute amrap - wear socks for the rope climbs.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Saturday BAFD!!!! 12.10 Spandex Day, Massage Day, OPEX Free Opex Comp Day!" open="false"]Bring A Friend Day!!! all classes A. Aerobic/CP 30 minute amrap Teams of 2-3 75 Cal Row 75 Ball Slams 75 Burpee over Partner 75 Wall Balls note: you'll be scaled accordingly to keep your reps looking clean and moving smooth All details for the day look below! Free Day/ Bring a Friend day @ Crossfit South Bend! 12/10 Click for details Massages at CFSB 12/10– Massages with Missy – Limited Spots available. Click here to learn more. OPEX Winter Classic 12/10– Free Competition @ CFSB! Spandex Day! 12/10 All BAFD![/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Sunday 12.11" open="false"]A. 40 minute amrap 50 Yard Left Arm Overhead Walk 50 Yard Right Arm Overhead Walk 30s Pillar 2 Wall Walks 7 TNG Power Cleans @ manageable weight note: working on some TNG work today and shoulder endurance work[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

Friday, 12.02.16

By: 0


POWER CLEAN 5×3 Add 2.5lbs to your last workout.

CHIN UPS 3x MAX Reps Rest 3 minutes between sets.


DL TO PC COMPLEX, perform 3 DL then 3 PC 3. 3. 3. 3. 3 Work up to the heaviest set of 3 reps.

DYNAMIC STEP UPS 10. 10. 10. 10. 10 After each set, perform 10Rt/Lt DYNAMIC STEP UPS.


8 Rounds 3 BACK SQUAT, Use 80% of your most recent 5 RM or 3x5 5 BURPEE BOX JUMPS