Toilet Ninja

By: 0

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Monday 10-13-14

By: 0

A) hang power snatch + hang snatch - 3x2@75%, 3x2@80% of 1RM B) front squat - 3x5@70% of 1RM from last week C) 2:00 max single leg KB DL 75/55 (alternating every 5 reps) 2:00 max butterfly sit-ups w/ med ball 2:00 max KB Russian swings 75/55 2:00 max knees-to-elbows (:15 transition between movements)

Saturday 10.11.14

By: 0

A. 3 minutes max reps Thrusters 95/65 2 minutes max reps Kettlebell Swings 55/35 *American style 1 minute max reps Thrusters 95/65 3 minutes max reps Toes to Bar 2 minutes max reps Kettlebell Swings 55/35 *American style 1 minutes max reps Toes to Bar Notes: Score Thrusters, Kettlebell Swings, and Toes to bar separately.