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Kids Training Class Structure

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We’ve had the question a few times before our new Kids Training Class begins – How is your Kids Class structured?

Whiteboard (3-5 Min)

We start off our Kids Class (ages 5-9) with some talking at the whiteboard. We keep it fun – draw pictures of the workout and the movements and how we would like them to perform the movements. This is a good time to get any questions out there that the kids may want to ask or to simply talk so they can get their own ideas and suggestions out there – we like for the kids to explore their own ideas during class as well!

Warm Up (3-5 Min)

Moving from there into the warm up- at this age we are going to stick to games and skill based work so that the kids get all of the repetition they need to understand the movements – but have enough fun so that they stick with our warm up. This is going to have a lot of similar positions to something you’ll see in the workout.

For Example: If the workout has pull ups and air squats in it, we may perform one, the other, or both of the below warm up games.

Bar Games – working on hanging from the bar, shuffling side to side, rotating on the bar – to warm up the grip and awareness of an active shoulder.

Musical Medicine Ball – The kids will lunge/duck walk/bear crawl around the medicine balls while we play music, once the music stops – they must sit in a squat position hovering above the ball to claim that ball!

Focus and Skill Work (5-8 Min)

From here we slow it down and work on technique work, it’s long enough to begin to develop the skill or continue advancing other skills, but short enough so that we won’t lose their attention. This can involve technique work, talks about nutrition, stretching, or a little of each – We prefer this is at a slower pace than a game and non-exhaustive so that the kids can really dial in their technique.

Workout (5-10 Min)

The workout of the day will be between 5-10 minutes and based off of the skills they have learned earlier that day. It will most likely be an amrap so that we all finish on time, and at the same time. There also may be team workouts, but won’t be terribly complicated for this age group. We do encourage writing the score on the board as we feel it helps with responsibility to track your repetitions and rounds.

For example.

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of…

Pull Ups on our Kids Bars

Air Squats

Cool Down Game (5-10 Min)

These are meant to further enforce good movement and to lower the heart rate from the workout in an appropriate manner – this can almost be an extension of the workout as well. We want these to be explained and understood quickly, so they won’t be complicated.

DodgeBall – if you get hit, you move to the side and perform 5 Burpees and then you can get back in the game!

Leapfrog Races – Form the kids in a line, and have a leapfrog race across the astroturf!

***We hope this gives you a better understand of what we will be teaching and coaching your children.  I know there are many excited kids and parents who are looking forward to our program starting up as are we !!!!

Interested in learning more? click here to find out how you can get Wednesday December 2nd, and Saturday December 5th for free!


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