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Savannah Hayes – 6 hours from home

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-Vannah[/cs_text][x_text_type prefix=”A Thank You From:” strings=” All of us” suffix=”” tag=”h3″ type_speed=”50″ start_delay=”0″ back_speed=”50″ back_delay=”3000″ loop=”false” show_cursor=”true” cursor=”|” looks_like=”h3″][cs_text]Savannah Hayes, You have been an amazing Coach, Employee, Friend over the last 5 years.

Each coach brings something different to the table. You’ve always had those intangible things that cannot be taught in a coaching process. The most important traits to have.

You’ve been a huge, critical part of CrossFit South Bend and how it has been shaped to what it is today – I cannot thank you enough for all of your hard work – I have no doubt that the qualities that have made you such an amazing coach will make you successful with anything you pursue 🙂

We’ll miss you Savannah [/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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