Wednesday 8-13-14
1) front rack PVC stretch x 3 min each side
2) lax ball to pec x 3 min each side
3) kitchen sink stretch x 3 min
Warm up:
5 strict press
5 push press
5 jerk
** 2x through w/ PVC, 2x through w/ empty bar
A) Push press 2RM – 15 min to work to 2RM, when found hit 3×2 jerks at that weight
B) OHS – 2×2@70, 75, 80%, max reps at 85%
C) core circuit (by special request!)
30 sec on, 15 sec off
Station 1: plank hold knee-to-nose
Station 2: GHD sit-ups
Station 3: 5# airplanes
Station 4: kneeling Supermans
2014 08 13