Wednesday 3.25.15
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]A.
5 Rounds, Teams of 3
1 Min Max 20yd Prowler Push 135lbs
30 Sec Rest
1 Min Max Sledge Hammer Strikes
30 Sec Rest
1 Min Max Russian Kettlebell Swings
30 Sec Rest
[/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title=”Notes”]Notes: Only on person can work at a time. score will be total repetitions for each movement.
Prowler Push: Alternate however you would like, score is counted when you pass each 20 yard mark
Sledgehammer Strikes: Alternate arms however you’d like
Kettlebell Swings: Go heavy on the KB Swings[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=”Educational Material For the Wod”]Prowler Pushes – Technique Wod
Sledgehammer swing technique – unfortunately, all of the videos online are crap. So until I get around to making one, just wait for technique stuff in class
Kettlebell Swing: I know he is obnoxious, but if you ever want to watch some good stuff on kettle bell work, google Jeff Martone. here is the
Basic Kettlebell Swing[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]
2015 03 24