Tuesday 2.24.15
Every 90 seconds for 10 Rounds (15 minutes total)
1 Power Snatch
Note: Warm up to a heavy weight prior to starting the workout. the weight that you will pick is something heavy, but you can consistently hit for all 10 snatches. Ideally the set are all done at the same weight but I don’t mind seeing minor changes up and down for this. For those of you doing the Open, this is a good place for you to figure out what you are capable of consistently hitting in the Snatch, that way you can work off of a percentage of these numbers if it comes up in a wod.
6 Min Ladder
3 Ground to Overhead 95/65
3 Chest to Bar
6 Ground to Overhead 95/65
6 Chest to Bar
Note: If you are doing the open, don’t be afraid to push it on this, but not to the point of ripping your hand, so be careful. Work on which method is best (Snatch, C&J) for you to get the weight overhead. Try to start gaming these workouts and figure out your pace.
2015 02 23