Tuesday 2.21.17
Week 1. Day 2
A. Snatch from power position (this is the same as your high hang position)
70% x 2 , 75% x 2 (x5) ** you will go back and forth btwn 70/75% for 5 sets
B. Drop Snatch (% of snatch) remember you are dropping fast under the bar no quick hip pop! https://youtu.be/EQrcCmgraa8
50% 3×5 = 3 sets of 5 reps
C. SLDL – stiffed leg deadlift (%of BS)
55% 5×3 = 5 sets of 3 reps
D. Conditioning
Alternate these
1-Weighted Planks – 3×30 sec max
2- Single Arm Farmers Walk – 3x50m R/L
**so do the weighted plank then go into right arm FW, then left arm FW , then back to plank etc 🙂
2017 02 21