Tuesday 12.30.14
3 on, 1 off, 6 on, 2 off, 9 on.
15 Deadlifts 135/95 lbs
20 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs
15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 lbs
15 Front Squats 135/95 lbs
20 Box Jump 20/14″
15 Push Presses 135/95 lbs
15 Pull-ups
15 Back Squats 135/95 lbs
20 Burpees
You have 3 minutes to get as far as you can into this chipper, then you get a 1 minute rest.
You then start back at the beginning of the chipper after the rest and get 6 minutes to get as far as you can, with a 2 minute rest afterwards.
For the last cycle, you start over at the beginning again and get 9 minutes to either finish or get as far as you can.
Your Score is total number of reps completed through each cycle.
2014 12 29