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Tim’s Story-Getting to 7% body fat eating 2800 calories a day

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In this video we sit down with Tim to talk about his one-on-one nutrition coaching journey. Tim’s story is super interesting from a number of different perspectives. Unlike most people I work with when they start:

-Tim was already pretty lean when we started working together
-He was pretty disciplined with his food before we met.
-His food was mostly real whole food before we met.

And yet he was still able to accomplish a tremendous amount during the 3 months we worked together just by making some dietary tweaks. He accomplished the following in 3 months:

-Tim lost about 25lbs. He went from 218lbs to 192lbs
-He lost 3.5inches off his waist
-By the end of the program he was 7% body fat.
-He didn’t restrict calories at all. In fact, he was eating 2800 calories a day most days.
-By the end of program Tim had achieved a body weight snatch in the gym, which for anyone who knows anything about weightlifting is a major accomplishment.
-He didn’t think it would be easy to give up the foods he did, but it ended up being pretty easy and he enjoyed the food.
-He was very fatigued when we started working together, but now with eating this way he has a ton of energy.

Congrats on all your progress Tim, we’re super proud of you!

If you or anyone you know is interested in achieving their health and fitness goals by changing their nutrition for the better you can use the following link to book a free 30min goals consultation with CFSB Head Nutrition Coach Robby Gustin.

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