Thursday, 8.18.16
All Levels
DB Power Snatch – 1 RM
*Find your 1 RM single arm Power Snatch for both arms using a dumbell.
4×12 DB Step Ups
*Alternate legs when performing the Step Ups.
Complete 10 rounds:
Lateral Hurdle Hops – 4 Reps
20 yard Sprint
*90 seconds between efforts.
*For lateral hurdle hops to sprint set up four 16″”-20″” hurdles. Jump laterally over the hurdle landing on the other side, immediately laterally jumping over the 2nd hurdle, then the 3rd and the 4th. Once you clear the 4th hurdle, transition immediately in a 20 yard sprint.
*Alternate starting sides each rep. You should have 5 reps starting from the left, and 5 reps starting from the right.
2016 08 17