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Programming 9.28 – 10.4

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Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-09-28
End Date: 2021-10-04

Tuesday September 28, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A1) Front Squat – Catalyst: @3211; x3; rest 60s

*all sets tough but solid with tempo
A2) Core: one of the variations below; rest 60s

x 4 Sets

8-12 Strict Toes to Bar
8-12 Strict Knees to Elbows
12-20 Strict Hanging Leg Raise *bent or straight
20-30 Sit Ups
B) Strength Endurance; Single Leg + Push (h) + Pull (h): 4 Sets
10-12 DB Step Ups
6-8 Close Grip Bench Press
6-8 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Row

*grind through, use tough weights and get the work done

Wednesday September 29, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Olympic Weightlifting – Snatch / Bend: Skill focused
8 Sets
Every 90s; choose one to do below

  1. 6-8 Hang Muscle Snatch
  2. 4-6 Hang Power Snatch
  3. 2-3 Power Snatch

*stick to weights/movements you can perform technically sound
B) MAP 6 – Mixed Cyclical: 15 Minute Amrap
800yd Run
30/25 Cal Bike
20/15 Cal Row

*if you cannot run the entire 400yd, perform walk/jog intervals

Thursday September 30, 2021
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A1) Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch : x16 alternating; rest 30s
A2) Single Arm KB Front Squat : x6/arm; rest 30s

A3) Single Arm Kettlebell Press: x6/arm; rest 30s
A4) Strict Pull Variation: Choose one, then rest 60s

  1. x10-12 Ring Row @ 3111
  2. x10-12 Banded Pull Ups @3111
  3. x6-10 Strict Pull Ups
    x 5 Sets

B) Core Work: 1 Minute Core Movement
1 Minute Rest
x 4 Sets

*max plank on hands
*abmat sit up
*tuck ups

Friday October 1, 2021
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Olympic Weightlifting – Clean / Bend: Skill focused
8 Sets
Every 90s; choose one to do below

  1. 6-8 Hang Muscle Clean
  2. 4-6 Hang Power Clean
  3. 2-3 Power Clean

*stick to weights/movement you can perform technically sound
B) MAP 8: 20 Minute Amrap
3 Burpees
6 Russian KBS
9 Wall Balls
30 Double Unders or 90 Singles

Saturday October 2, 2021
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Caoches Choice

A) Deadlift + Bench Press: 8-10 Bench Press *pause 1 count at the chest
@3111; x6-8 Deadlift
rest 90s
x 4 Sets

*work off your #s from two weeks ago, these are all working sets
B) Back Squat : 5 Back Squats
10 DB Reverse Lunges
10/8 Cal Assault Bike
30-60s Plank or Ring Plank
rest/walk 2 minutes
x 4 Sets

*push your weight from two weeks ago

Sunday October 3, 2021
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

A) UB Gymnastics: 3 Wall Walks
3 Rope Lowers
30-60s Handstand Hold or Walk 10yds
20-30s Hanging L-sit
15 Cal Assault Bike
x 15 Minute Amrap for quality


EMOM x 6 Sets
M1: 10 No Push Up Burpees or 8-10 Burpees
M2: 10 American KBS

C) LE 1 – LE 2: Int/Adv

60s Row @ 85%
rest/walk 4 Minutes
x 3 Sets


60s Row @ 85%
rest/walk 1 Minute
x 5 Sets

Monday October 4, 2021
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Get set up, and get after it – this is meant to be pretty sustainable efforts here

A) Easy Aerobic; Carry + Isometric Focused: 15 Minute Amrap
15 Cal Row
30yd/arm KB Mixed Rack Suitcase Carry
20yd Bear Crawl

3 Minute Transition
15 Minute Amrap
200m Run
30s Wall Sit
30 yd/arm Mixed Rack Overhead Carry
3 Minute Transition
15 Minute Amrap
15 Calorie Bike
12 Front to Side Plank
15 Table top Glute Bridges

15 Minutes at a 60 minute pace