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Programming 11.29 – 12.05

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Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-11-29
End Date: 2021-12-05

Monday November 29, 2021
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Round the World – Map 10: 2 Sets
1 Minute Transition between each

7 Minute Amrap
12/9 Assault BIke
30 Doubles or 60 Single Unders
7 Minute Amrap
10 Russian KBS
7 No Push Up Burpee
60yd Shuttle (in 10yd increments)
7 Minute Amrap
12/9 Row
16 Step Ups

*yep! shuttles – not a straight shot 😉

Tuesday November 30, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Back Squat: @3211; 5×2; rest 90s between sets

*all sets challenging here
*20 minute cap
B) Vertical Pull + Squat + Breathing: 20 Minute Amrap
8 Single Arm Plank Row/side
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Jump Squats
rest 60s

Wednesday December 1, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice
-Take some time to cover the movements in technique/expression

A) Power Clean: *no changes here – practice this

A. Technique Work
15 Minute Amrap – choose ONE
5 Hang Muscle Clean
5 Hang Power Clean
3 Tempo Power Clean; 3 seconds to get above the knee
rest 30-60s between sets

B. Expression
15 Minute Cap; Warm up to and Hit 3 heavy sets of the complex below
1 Power Clean
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Push Jerk

For today, if you…
-Can power clean your body weight
-You can do it with beautiful technique

Then you may choose “expression”
B) Bend + Horizontal Push + Core: 20 Minute Amrap
3010; 5 Deadlifts
8-10 Hanging Leg Raise or Toes to Bar
Max Push Variation
rest 60s

*horizontal push variations – elevated push up, push up, deficit push up, strict dip
*choose a modification you can at least hit 5 solid reps or more with

Thursday December 2, 2021
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Supinated Barbell Bent Over Row: @2012; 5×6; rest 90s between sets

*all challenging here
*20 minute cap
B) Squat + Pull: 4 Sets
30s Box Jump Step Down
30s Rest
30s Ring Row
30s Rest
30s Prisoner Step Ups
30s Rest
30s Barbell curl
30s Rest

Friday December 3, 2021
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Strict Press: @3111; 5×6; rest 90s between sets

*20 minute cap
B) Bend + Push: 15 Minute Amrap
10/side Crossbody DB Snatch
10/arm Single Arm KB or DB Push Press
30 Doubles or 60 Single Unders
rest 60s between

*yes I want this to be a shuttle, I want the cuts in

Saturday December 4, 2021
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Notes: Do it again, show up with the same people if possible, lets see if you can adjust to finish 🙂
B) Teams of 2: Get the work done! Only one person works at a time – Start where you want, move where you want, break the work up between the two of you how you want – but you have to finish one thing before moving on to the next.

30 Minute Cap
100/85 Calorie Bike
1000yd Run
60 No Push Up Burpees
80 American KBS
100 Prisoner Step Ups
80/70 Calorie Row
600yd Farmers Carry

Sunday December 5, 2021
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Overhead Squat: *we’ll hit up some wrist prep prior to this!
@3211; 5×2; rest 90s between sets
B) Gymnastics – HS Work + Rope Accumulation + BW: 20 Minute Amrap
10-20s L-sit Hang
30-60s Freestanding Hold Practice
4-5 Rope Lowers
4-5 Wall Walks
10 Cal Row