Programming 10.10 – 10.16
10/10/2022 – Monday
Coach Notes:
Week 3
Coaches Choice
A. Back Squat
18 Min to warm up and finish
4 Sets (working sets)
@3011;; rest 2-3 minutes
2-3 RIR
B. Pendlay Row
16 Minutes to warm up and finish
4 Sets (working sets)
@3110; x7-10; rest 2 minutes
2-3 RIR
C1. Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge
xAlternating 20-24; rest 60s-90s
C2. Alternating Bent Over Dumbbell Row
xAlternating 20-24; rest 60-90s
x 2-3 Sets
Cool Down:
5-10 minute easy bike or walk
10×90/90 Breathing @ 3-6 seconds inhale, 6-9 seconds exhale
10/11/2022 – Tuesday
A. MAP 10
4 Sets @ very easy pace
3 minute row
3 minute amrap; 50 single under + 10 no push up burpees
3 minute bike
3 Minute Amrap; 10 Russian Kbs + 15yd bear crawl
Cool Down:
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds inhale, 6-9 seconds exhale
10/12/2022 – Wednesday
Get right into it
A. 12 Minute Cap @ Warm Up Effort
500-400-300-200-100 yard run
10-8-6-4-2 Alt Front Plank Rotations, 1″ pause @ top
10-8-6-4-2 Alt Glute Bridge March
B. 4-5 Sets; 17 Min Cap
20 Unbkn Russian KBS, you pick the weights- tough
0:60 rest
0:15-0:30 Top of Dip Hold, rings or matador
0:60 rest
*ring plank, plank hold (20-45s)
C. 15 Minute Amrap @ steady pace
2-3 Wall Walks
9 Deadlift
12/9 Bike Cals
9 Deadlift
Wall Walks completed within 0:60
*wall walk, box wall walk, 30s plank on rings, 30s plank on hands
Deadlift should be pretty, done unbroken, and comfortably
*deadlift, kb deadlift, rdl variations
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
10/13/2022 – Thursday
Coaches choice
A. MAP 7
2 Sets @ sustained pace
1:00 Single Arm DB or KB Front Squats
1:30 Bike for Cals
1:00 Double Unders
1:30 Goblet KB/DB Carry
rest 5 minutes
x 3 Sets
*match reps inter+intra set
10/14/2022 – Friday
Coaches Choice
A. Deadlift
18 Minutes to Warm Up and Finish
4 Sets (working sets)
@3011;; rest 2-3 minutes
2-3 RIR
B. Barbell Floor Press
16 Minutes to Warm Up and Finish
4 Sets (working sets)
@3110; x6-8; rest 2 minutes
2-3 RIR
C1. Single Arm Wall Assisted Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
2010; 10-15/side rest 30s between sides, rest 60s
3-5 RIR
C2. Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press
2010; 10-15/side; rest 30s between sides, rest 60s
x 2-3 Sets
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
10/15/2022 – Saturday
Coaches Choice
A. 10 Minute Amrap
5/side Posterior Box Step Down – controlled
10 Banded Face Pulls
50 Single Unders
B. 5 Sets; 35 Minute Cap
9/side Single Arm KB Rows, you pick the weight
10 WBS
6/side Single Arm KB Rows
10 WBS
3/side Single Arm KB Rows
2:00-3:00 rest
Cool Down:
5-10 Minute Easy Bike or Walk
10×90-90 Breathing @ 3-6 Seconds Inhale, 6-9 Seconds Exhale
10/16/2022 – Sunday
Get right into it
A. Warm Up – Movement and Skills
2-3 Wall Walks, 20-30s HS Hold, modified HS Hold
8 Alternating Pistols, modified, or 8/side short split squats
x 10 Minute Amrap for quality
B. 6 Sets for EVEN Times; 35 min cap
10 Alt Step Ups, 24/20″
30m KB/ DB Farmers Carry, you pick the weight
20/15 Row Cals
30m KB/ DB Farmers Carry
10 Alt Step Ups
2 min rest
2022 10 09