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Programming 1.31 – 2.6

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Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-31
End Date: 2022-02-06

Monday January 31, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
8-10 DB Bench Press; rest 30-60s
8-10 Bent Over Barbell Row; rest 30-60s

*use the first few sets as warm up, then keep the last 4 sets tough
B) Upper Body Vertical + Core: 16 Minute Amrap
10-12 Seated Arnold Press
6-8 Barbell Drag Curl
30s Hollow Body Hold

Tuesday February 1, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work – Map 7: 10 Minute Amrap
5 Burpees
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
15 Cal Assault BIke
5 minute rest
10 Minute Amrap
500m Row
10 Box Jumps w/SD
5 Minute rest
10 Minute Amrap
30 Double Unders
10 Reverse Lunges
10 Abmat Sit Ups

Wednesday February 2, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift – CF: Every 90s x 9 Sets
x 3

1,2,3 easy
4,5,6; moderate
7,8,9; tough

B) Lower Body DL Squat + Core: 5-6 Sets; 20 Minute Cap
Back Squat x 6-8
20 Steps goblet loaded alternating L/R Banded Walk
rest 90-120s

*use the first two sets to warm up, keep the rest challenging

Thursday February 3, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work – Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
15/12 Cal Bike
30yd/arm Single Arm Front Rack KB Carry
30s Plank on Hands
15/12 Cal Row
30yd/arm Single Arm KB Farmers Carry/side
30s Wall Sit
100 Single unders

*carries are done in 10yd increments

Friday February 4, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body – Horizontal: 5-6 Sets; 18 Minute Cap
@30X1; Push Press x 6; rest 60s
6 Strict Pull ups; rest 60s

*warm up for the first 1-2 sets, then keep the last couple sets tough

*you can accumulate the pull ups in smaller sets, as long as they are pretty, bands allowed
B) Upper Body Vertical: 15 Minute Amrap
8-10 Strict Dips
8-10 Ring Rows
2 Wall Walks
8 Single Arm Bicep Curl/side

Work through at a casual pace

Saturday February 5, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work: 4 Sets
500m Row
rest 2 minutes
30/25 Cal Bike
rest 2 minutes
30 No Push Up Burpees
rest 2 minutes

2 minute cap on all the activities

Sunday February 6, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Speed Strength: 10×1; reverse med ball throw
B) Strength Speed: Work up to a power clean single in 10 minutes
EMOM x 10 Minutes
3 reps fast @45-65% of today’s 1rm

*alternative here is deadlifting
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat : x8/side
C2) strict knees to elbows: xMax
x 3 Sets