Monday 9-7-15 (Labor Day)
Hey guys! The gym is closed for normal classes today **except** open gym from 6am-noon. Below is our normal programming. If you’re able to make it in to do it, great! Otherwise, NBD, take a rest day and come back well-rested on Wednesday.
Week 3, Day 7 — this is a recovery week, the percentages are intentionally low to let your brain and body take a break. Note: a break does not mean the lifts should be any less explosive or be taken any less seriously than normal.
Warm-up: 3×5 parallette shoot throughs (don’t rush these! Tuck your legs and try to make them pretty!)
A. Jerk – 2×3@65%
B. Front squat – 2×5@65%
C. 10:00 of work (:45 work, :15 rest/transition)
- Odd minutes – evil wheels
- Even minutes – plate ground-to-overhead (45/35#)
2015 09 06