Monday 9-28-15
Week 6, Day 16
Warm-up: looooong warm-up today to get us ready for 85% jerks! EMOM x6 – 1 wall walk with 8sec hold. Then alternate 3×8 scap pull-ups and 3×8 HS shrugs
A. Jerk – 4×2@85%
B. Front squat – 4×3@85%
C. CORE CITY – population: you guys
- 100 Russian twists
- 80 side plank hip taps with 3-sec hold
- 60 butterfly sit-ups (add a med ball if you want!)
- 40 back extensions
- 20 T-tilts (L+R=1)
Work through the reps with minimal rest, but keep the movements clean!
2015 09 28