Monday 4-13-15
Warm-up: (3×3 for all movements, use PVC or empty bar)
1) pressing snatch balance to parallel
2) pressing snatch balance to bottom of squat + 3 sotts press
3) snatch balance (not pressing) to bottom of squat + 3 sotts press
4) snatch balance + 3 OHS
A) Snatch balance – work up to heavy but perfect single **REMEMBER** if your shoulder flexibility does not allow you to deload the bar onto your back safely, don’t do it! Ride it down to the floor.
B) Front squat – 5 rounds of :30 max reps at 65% of 1RM, 2:00 rest. Shoot for 10 reps each round and try to stay consistent – even under fatigue!
C) 8 min ascending ladder: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.. Etc. of snatch grip DL at 105% of your max snatch, and no-push-up burpees. **Make sure your feet are in good landing position on the burpees and jump high!
2015 04 13