Monday 2.9.15
Some CrossFit with Adrian Bozman from February of 2009
Bench 1.1.1
Notes: if you are within 2 months of just having finished Fundamentals, you will do 5.5.5
5 Rounds, not for time, for weight used.
10yd Weighted Single Arm (R) Lunge
5 Side Pillar Hip Tap + 3 Sec Hip Reach (R)
10yd Weighted Single Arm (L) Lunge
5 Side Pillar Hip Tap + 3 Sec Hip Reach (L)
Notes: You will grab something heavy, whether that is KB or DB to hold in your hand. The goal is to eliminate any wedding steps, and for it to be a fluid transition into the next lunge. If the hip tap + hip reach is to challenging for you, you will do a static pillar hold for 30 seconds.
2015 02 08