Friday 12.5.14
Complete 2 Overhead Squats every 2 minutes for 8 Rounds.
Notes: Ideally start at around 75% of what they intend on completing your final set. You should be increasing weight with each set, however if their form breaks down or they make to big of a jump the weight can be maintained or stripped back.
Emo Tabata Diane
8 Rounds of
20 seconds max reps Deadlifts 225/135
10 seconds rest
20 seconds max reps Handstand Push Ups
10 seconds rest
Choose an intelligent weight for your deadlifts. This gets really difficult really fast.
Alternating between the 2 exercises; 20 seconds of deadlifts, 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of HSPU, 10 seconds of rest for eight rounds.
Score is total reps. Post Scores to comments!
2014 12 04
Opps, sorry I lied when my score was written up on the board, I only got to 95# with the deadlift, not 105# (I guess I can’t do math!)
OH squats: 73, 78, 83, 88, 88, 93, 98(f), 98
WOD: 61 DL (135#), 49 PU (s)
OH – 135-45-55-65-70-80-80-75
DL- 39rx HSPU- 24rx
OH Squats: 53, 58, 63×2, 73, 78, 83(PR)
WOD: 61 DL #85, 43 PU s