Mark Bell offers up some great benching tips. It is addressed from a powerlifting stand point since Mark is a powerlifter, however this is the best video so far that I have seen that carries over to our "Power Athlete" benching technique. Take a watch and try to implement the tips in your bench session, and see what you think. Are you currently doing any of these? Any tips your excited to give a try?
Squat 3x5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench 3x5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Front Squat 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Press 2 RM
Death by 15 yards
With a continously running clock sprint one 15 yard distance, two 15 yard sprints distances the second minute, three 15 yards distances the third minute...continuing as long as you are able.
***Note this is a work out that you could game to try to get higher rounds, however I want you guys to attack this from our Train Fast Be Fast mentality. Every 15yd sprint should be as fast as possible. Obviously your speed will go down as you get in higher rounds, but you should be always given the sprints a good effort. Not jogging in earlier rounds to get a "better score" Also if it is decent outside be prepared to do the workout outside.