2014 10 21
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][text_output]A.
3 Rounds
(1) 5 Presses
10 Cal Row
(2) 5 Presses
5RT/5LT Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell row
(3) 5 Presses
10 Dynamic Push Ups
Rest 2-3 Minutes
Warm up to something you confidently know you could press for 10 Reps. This is your starting point for your first press. Then for the second press you will add 2-3%, and for your third press add another 2-3%. Then for the 2nd/3rd round you will start at the same starting weight as Round 1 and make the same jumps
Move back and forth between things at a good pace, but don't try to kill it
8 Rounds 20 Seconds on, 10 Seconds off
Max 10yd shuttles
Return to center each time, must complete the shuttle to get credit for the rep.[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][text_output]Click here to check out the Whole Foods and Crossfit South Bend Charity Drive Photo Album!
Click here to like Bluekrishna Photography for taking awesome pictures[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Robby with 18 people out at the Paleo Grocery Tour!
Every 30 seconds for 20 Rounds
1 Deadlift @ 65% of 1RM or 75% of 5RM,
Use the most recent number you have. If you don't have a number, the weight should move fast.
Weight will be de-loaded back to the floor
10 Rounds
15 seconds Ball Slams, 45 seconds Rest
15 seconds Strict Vertical Pulls (any grip) or Ring Rows, 45 seconds Rest
15 seconds Double Unders, 45 seconds Rest
Score Ball Slams, Vertical Pulls, and Doubles separately.
2014 10 20
2014 10 20
2014 10 20

A) Snatch - 2x2@65, 70, 75%
B) Clean and Jerk - 2x2@65, 70, 75%
***rest 2:00 per set
C) 1000m row - alternating 10 hard, 10 easy pulls
**get your heart rate up, but don't fry yourselves! You should feel fatigued but not rolling off the rower dead.
2014 10 19
2014 10 19
Squat 3×5 @ 65% of 2rm, Rest 90 seconds between.
Base squats off of 10/16/14
3 Rounds
15 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
10 Bar Over Burpees
5 minute cap
2-3 Rounds
Active Hamstring Stretch 30R/30L
Dancer Stretch 30 R-M-L
2014 10 19

Flag football at clay high school today!
Hey guys, we will be heading to clay high school soon. One of the posts said penn high school. It's clay. Don't forget
2014 10 19
TODAY! Sunday October 19th, meet at the gym by 11:00am, we will leave to head out to the field from CFSB
(Also TODAY is Carl’s Birthday – so don’t forget to tell him happy birthday)
Power clean 135/95
Ring dips
2014 10 18

A) 2-position clean (knees, hips) -
B) back squat - 2x2@ 80, 85%, 2x1@ 90, 95%
C) EMOM for 12min:
Odd - 8 V-ups
Even - 6 DB squat clean thrusters
2014 10 18