2014 10 24
Common Beginner CrossFit Mistakes - Juggernaut Training Systems
Teams of 2
4 Min Max Wall Balls 20/10, while partner is holding a pillar
4 Min Max Burpees, while partner is hanging on the pull up rig
4 Min Max Kettlebell Swings, while partner is holding a plate overhead
Pumpkin Carving Competition / Costume Contest
Hey everyone!
Two giveaways this coming week
1. Carve a pumpkin and bring it into the gym with your name on it to enter. We will vote on it and a $25 gift card to rogue fitness will go out to the winner! (I'll be announcing the winner late on Halloween.)
2. Costume Wod, all classes on Thursday October 30th. We will take pictures and vote on best costume for a $25 Rogue Gift Card. (I'll be announcing the winner late on Halloween)
2014 10 24

Caitlin is in the house today! I'm out of town but will be back Monday. Good luck to all of our athletes competing in Lansing, MI today! Take some video, pics, etc to show when you get back. :)
Trying a new max out format today. Instead of 3 attempts, we'll do the following:
10min general body warm-up
30min to find max snatch
30min to find max clean and jerk
**The only rule is that when you're hitting you last few heaviest sets, allow yourself 3-4 good solid attempts at the weight. Don't get stuck driving yourself into the ground by attempting the same weight 15 times. Rest appropriately and give your fellow lifters encouragement. I think we might find that we get some better numbers when you can focus on just the lift and not the camera and crowd watching you. Take a video if you want or if it's a PR, but don't stress out! Just hit some big weights and go hard.
2014 10 23
Good job strong Casey. So Strong with those 315lb plate ground to overheads
The Chief
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135/95 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.
2014 10 23
Hey everyone!
So we had a few questions about Barbells for Boobs this year.
Typically our two big fundraisers on the calendar look like this
October: Barbells for Boobs
November: Wades Army
We decided this year to separate Barbells for Boobs and Wades Army, last year we raised the most amount we have ever raised for both fundraisers and we would like to better it again this year. Planning it this year to give each a good amount of attention, with Barbells for Boobs being a fundraiser we can host any time through the year, and Wades Army having a very specific time window, we went with Wades for November, then as soon as Wades is over, we will be launching our B4B and fundraising until about January!! So keep busting out our Wades Army and help us crank out our goal and we will keep everyone in the loop with our B4B!
2014 10 23
2014 10 23
2014 10 23

100 rep PVC warm up
A) snatch - 2x1@60, 70, 80, 70, 60%
>> focus on staying explosive on the way up in weight and maintaining same speed on way down
B) clean - 2x1@60, 70, 80, 70, 60%
C) 4 rounds
15 OHS 45/33
10 push-ups
5 ball slams 40/30
2014 10 22
Floor Press, w/ a 1 second pause at the bottom of each rep
The focus here is speed, these are not max effort attempts. if the weight starts to become grindy then the weight is to much. there should not be any failed reps
10 Min Cap
400m Run
40 Sit Ups
20 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35
200m Run
20 Sit Ups
10 American Kettlebell Swings 55/35
2014 10 22
2014 10 22