2014 12 21
Before you ask...click here to check out our holiday hours
Bench 1RM
Break up the work however you'd like to finish it
40 Two handed KB/DB Walking Lunge AHAP
50 Toes to Bar
60 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/35
Post your old and new bench to comments, and your wod results!
Last week to donate – Center for Homeless Drive
Hey everyone! don't forget, we will be taking final donations for the Center for Homeless drive, we have had Tyler take the bin a few times already, and anything helps!
Click here to check out the original post on what they need!
2014 12 21
2014 12 21
Shoulder Prep and Mobility
10 Minute Amrap
10 Pull Ups
20 Push Presses 65/45
30 Kettlebell Swings *American 55/35
2014 12 20

Don't forget out little holiday get-together is today after class! We'll be meeting at South Bend Brew Works for some beers and lunch. Bring whoever you want-- all are welcome!
A) clean deadlift + 3 second deload to top of knees + hang power clean
20 min to work up to set that difficult but with beauty pageant form
B) back squat - EMOM x 9 min
2 squats w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
Round 1-3: 70%
Round 4-6: 75%
Round 7-9: 80%
C) 15 min keep-moving-workout
7 scap retractor GHD back extensions (5# in each hand)
6 side lunges holding med ball 30/40
5 no push up burpees over med ball
2014 12 20
2014 12 20
2014 12 20
Bring a friend day – Saturday 12.20.14
Teams of 5
"Man Overboard"
10 cal Row
Push Up
Kettlebell Swing - ahap
Air Squat
With teams of 5, and one person starting at each station.
The pace will be dictated by the person on the rower.
Everyone else will be working to hit as many reps as possible until the rower is done with 10 calories, then everyone will shift to the next station.
The order is Row, Push Up, KB Swing, Air Squat, Rest (person resting would be the next one on the rower)
Score is total repetitions including calories.
2014 12 19

2014 12 18
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]Abell Jerks 440#[/text_output][code][/code][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]A.
20 minutes to complete 5x3 Power Cleans
I know it says Power Clean, but you may perform a Clean if your bottom position is pretty enough, the 20 minute time cap is strict. Try to keep these sets all AHAP
Teams of 2
13 minute amrap
80 Wall Balls
60 Burpee Box Jumps
40 Ball Slams
Notice I didn't put weights or scaling up? Go as heavy or as hard as you'd like :) have fun![/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]
2014 12 18