Saturday – 12-27-14 – Extended holiday break!!
2014 12 27
Saturday – 12-27-14 – Extended holiday break!!
2014 12 27
2014 12 26
2014 12 26
2014 12 25
2014 12 24
2014 12 23
Lets talk about lunges for a second. I am going to use Hayden as an example. This was his first time in here, and this is not meant to pick on him. Lets first direct your attention towards the blue dashed lines. Hayden's step was to shallow, which lead to his shin driving forward, with is torso following suit. Now looking at the green line, with a slightly longer step Hayden's torso will be in a more vertical position. His shin would be at roughly a 90 degree better engaging his hamstrings, and creating stability in his knee.
Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Power Snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Complete 5 rounds:
Max reps of One Arm KB Power Clean + Push Press (RT) w/ 2 pood – 60 seconds Max reps of One Arm KB Power Clean + Push Press (LT) w/ 2 pood – 60 seconds GHD Back Extension Isometric Hold – 60 seconds
Rest 1 minute between rounds.
2014 12 22
2014 12 22
2014 12 22
Janet’s Whole90 Testimonial-and she still isn’t finished!
2014 12 22