2015 02 05
Power Clean
Notes: Do each Power Clean at the top of a 2:30 mark
100 Plate Touches
Notes: every 45 seconds (including the start) do 15 double unders, and use the remaining time to knock out your Plate Touches. At MOST we want 20 seconds on the Double Unders, so scale appropriately whether that means less doubles, or just single.
Barbells For Boobs This Weekend!
Hey everyone!
Seeing as how we had to postpone our Barbells for Boobs this past weekend. This Saturday at the 9:00am and 11:00am class we will be running our Barbells for Boobs wod. But we will be continuing the fundraised all the way through October, and hosting our next Barbells for Boobs during our usual time in October! Stay tuned over the coming months for more details.
This Saturday's Workout
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
2015 02 05
2015 02 05
Hey everyone! Bri needs a male partner for a competition this weekend, its the Sweatin' with your Sweetheart competition on February 7th, you can check out the details by clicking here and you can email Bri by clicking here
Religion 2.1
Complete 5 rounds:
Front Squat – Max Reps @ bodyweight
Burpee to Lateral Hops – 5 reps
Notes: Not for time, for burpee lateral hops, perform a burpee and finish by completing a lateral jump over a parallet
2015 02 04
3x10 Squat, can be done from racks
3x10 Deficit Push Ups, ideally using parallets
3x10 Ring Rows
3x10 Single Arm Kettbell RDL
3x10 Thruster, pulled from ground
3x10 Toes To Bar
3x10 Straight Bar Curls
3x10 Banded Tricep Extensions
Notes: We are now going from 2x10s to 3x10s, and will be coming back to the 80 seconds intervals per set. You are also going to lighten up your weight from last Wednesday by 5-10% to accommodate for the extra set. And then in the coming weeks we will start to add weight back on.
2015 02 03

A) Behind the neck power jerk - 20min to find heavy single
B) OHS - 3x3@80%, 1 set max reps
C1) 3x10 push back lunges
C2) 3x10 BO BB rows
2015 02 03
2015 02 03
February Fundamentals begins today! If you have any questions, Click here to ask!
Snatch Skill work
20 Minutes to find
Power Snatch 1RM
Notes: If you just came off of the fundamentals within in the last two months (December/January) you will be doing 3 Hang Power Snatches every 2 minutes, with whatever weight the coach feels is appropriate, as well as only making weight jumps when the coach feels you are ready.
EMOM x10
5 Box Jumps 30"/24"
Max Strict Pull Ups, any grip can be used
Notes: scaling is ring rows today, not banded pull ups
2015 02 02

Keep your eyes on the CFSB blog to make sure the gym is open tonight!
A) 3-position snatch (floor, below knees, hips) + snatch - 2x1@70, 75, 80, 3x1@85%
B) Front squat - 3x3@85%, 1 set max reps at 80% (try to beat max set # from 1/19)
C) 5 rounds: 10 T-tilts (45/33#), 10 step ups (strict! no bounce off bottom leg), 10 good mornings (45/33#)
2015 02 02

2015 02 01