2015 05 06

2015 05 06
2015 Summer Sport Strength and Conditioning Program
This is a strength and conditioning program designed to build bigger, stronger, more explosive athletes with more horsepower.
The demands of athletes are universal. If you can run, jump, sprint, change direction, are strong and powerful then you will be successful. These are the goals that we are working towards. We will get there by lifting heavy, conditioning (metabolic, sprint, jumping), and working with the mentality of “Train Fast Be Fast.”
Another key principle is building strong posture and position through the use of external forces, external resistance, and external elements to challenge posture and position. Why is posture and position important? Your ability as an athlete to sprint, jump, change direction, and tackle is all dependent on whether or not you can maintain good posture and position through full ranges of motion.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="What's the training going to look like?"]- Warm up/Dynamic movement prep: These components set the tempo for the day and ensure that you are prepared for the physiological demand ahead in the day’s training. This is also where we will identify limiting factors and build the skill to be better movers.
- Strength work: There are two levels of strength (1) for the beginner and (2) the advanced participant. Here we strengthen posture and position with heavy weights.
- Fieldwork: This could be any combination HIIT training, cardio, metcon, plyometrics, weightlifting, sprints, or strongman type movements. The volume and intensity of fieldwork is designed to prepare you for the physical and mental demands found in ALL field sports.
- Recovery Day: Wednesdays will focus on (1) light aerobic work to clear lactic acid from the body and speed recovery for the rest of the weeks training and (2) corrective movements to help to expose weaknesses while at the same time helping overcome them.

2015 05 06
2015 05 05

Austin one of our High School Athlete's putting his training to work by making the opponent pay for coming at him with the ball
Deadlift 1x5 (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Every Minute for 8 Minutes: Deadlift – 3 Reps @ 80% of your most recent 1 RM. *Collegiate pull for speed dropping each rep at the top.
Complete 6 Rounds: Supine Ring Rows – 12 Reps Sprint – 20 yd Shuttle 40 lb Ball Slams – 12 Reps Rest :60 seconds *For the 20 yd Shuttle, sprint 10 yds out and back. Alternate change of direction each round.
2015 05 05

2015 05 04
2015 05 04

Squat 3×5 (+5 lbs to last workout) Press 3×5 (+2.5 lbs to last workout)
Squat 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Press 5, 5, 5
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes: 185/125 lb Push Press – 5 Reps CTB Pull Ups – 7 Reps
-Rest 3 minutes, then-
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes: Broad Jump – 4 Reps 185/125 lb Hang Power Clean – 6 Reps
2015 05 04
2015 05 03
2015 05 02