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2015 Whole90 Nutrition Challenge Announcement

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Hi Everyone,
It's that time of year again! We're gearing up for our 2015 Whole90 Nutrition Challenge. What's the Whole90 nutrition challenge? It's our yearly gym nutrition challenge. Year after year, we see so many people finally achieve their health, weight loss, and fitness goals just by changing their nutrition for the better. We hope you decide to join us this year for what is sure to be our best nutrition challenge yet. Here's some basic info about our Whole90 nutrition challenge.
  • Why should I do the Whole90 nutrition challenge?
    •  Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain strength, be more healthy, or just look good in a bathing suit proper nutrition is the foundation for achieving all those goals. If you feel like you've reached a health, weight loss, or fitness plateau that you need to break through, then healthy nutrition is the best way to break through that plateau.
  • What kind of results can I expect if I sign up? 
photo 7                  
  • When will the challenge take place?
  • Monday January 12th to Monday April 13th 2015
  • How does Whole90 nutrition challenge work? 
    • Month 1: Remove all unhealthy foods and eat completely clean for 30 days.
    • Month 2: Reintroduce certain "gray-area" foods like dairy, red wine, white rice, and certain kinds of sugar to see if you tolerate them.
    • Month 3: Personalize Paleo for your own particular health and fitness needs and goals
  • What does the Whole90 nutrition challenge include if I sign up?
  • Personal Nutrition Coaching:
    • You will be given a nutrition coach who will be guiding and supporting you through your entire 90 day nutrition challenge
    • Unlimited email questions to your nutrition coach
    • Weekly Food Journal Review by your nutrition coach
  • Weekly Nutrition Talks:
    • 12 weekly talks at the gym by CFSB Head Nutrition Coach Robby Gustin to help you maximize your success during the 90 day challenge
    • In person Q&A sessions at talks so you can get your most pressing nutrition questions answered in person
  • Measuring Progress:
    • Every month you will get weights, measurements and pictures taken at the gym to measure your progress
  • Weekly How-to guides
    • Each week we will send you how-to guides via email on a number of different topics. Topics include saving money, eating out at restaurants, and dealing with family and friends while eating healthy.
  • Grocery Store Tour
    • Robby Gustin will be leading a Paleo Grocery Store tour at Whole Foods in early January that is open to all Whole90 participants
  • How do I sign up?
    • Option 1 (Easiest): Write down your name on the Whole90 nutrition challenge sheet at the gym, and we'll automatically charge your account.
    • Option 2: Click here to sign up
    • Option 3: Bring a check into the gym payable to "CrossFit South Bend"
  • How much does it cost?
  • $150 for early birds (Nov. 17th-Dec.14th) $180 thereafter (Dec. 15th-Jan.15th)
  • Friends and Family of CFSB members can sign up for the exact same price
If you would like to sign up to receive reminders of our Whole90 Challenge, click here.  
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Massages with Missy Biek

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Missy Biek, LMT, will be here at the gym doing 30 minute massage sessions on Saturday November 22nd..We will be posting a signup sheet.  Please put your name and cell phone number next to the time slot you would like.  The cost will be $35…check or cash.  Missy has been a member here at Crossfit South Bend for over 4 years and a massage therapist for over 11 years.  Her specialty is deep tissue and therapeutic work.  She has had a lot of experience working on Crossfitter’s/Athletes.  Missy’s experience as a Crossfitter and an Athlete gives her firsthand knowledge of the issues we face.  If you have a nagging issue that needs to be addressed, never experienced a professional massage or just want to check out Missy’s work, please sign up for one of the spots. Feel free to call or text her with any questions at 574-849-1898.

Barbell for Boobs

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Hey everyone! So we had a few questions about Barbells for Boobs this year. Typically our two big fundraisers on the calendar look like this October: Barbells for Boobs November: Wades Army We decided this year to separate Barbells for Boobs and Wades Army, last year we raised the most amount we have ever raised for both fundraisers and we would like to better it again this year. Planning it this year to give each a good amount of attention, with Barbells for Boobs being a fundraiser we can host any time through the year, and Wades Army having a very specific time window, we went with Wades for November, then as soon as Wades is over, we will be launching our B4B and fundraising until about January!! So keep busting out our Wades Army and help us crank out our goal and we will keep everyone in the loop with our B4B!

Neika’s Whole 90 Journey

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[vc_row padding_top="0px" padding_bottom="0px" border="none" parallax="true"][vc_column width="1/2"][promo image="10013"]Before[/promo][promo image="10014"]Before[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][text_output][content_band style="color: #fff;" bg_image="" parallax="true" border="all" inner_container="true"] [custom_headline style="margin-top: 0; color: #fff;" level="h4" looks_like="h3"]My Whole 90 Journey[/custom_headline] I came to Crossfit South Bend as a marathoner, that was pretty much all I did was run. I also came here as a vegetarian/vegan (I'd been both over the previous 20 year period). I came here looking for change. Everyone around me could drink a shake and lose weight and despite logging thousands of miles over the previous 15 years, I always struggled to lose weight at all. I started talking to people and adding weight resistance was a common recommendation people were giving me. During the first few months here, it felt hard to fit in. It felt hard to not know the routine or what the names of the moves were, but I trudged on. During one of my workouts with Brandon, I got what I can only call an exertion headache. Splitting pain that came on instantly during back squats. If not for that moment the course of my life would probably not be where it is right now. I went to the doctor, had some blood work done and eventually found out that my hypothyroidism had progressed into something called Hashimoto's Disease. Basically it is a ridiculous name for your body is now starting to attack your thyroid as a foreign invader. The doctor encouraged me to meet with a nutritionist in his office. This woman I previously knew as a 30 year vegan, was now telling me that to help my body, I needed to eat meat. I was intensely devastated. My husband couldn't even understand me on the phone when I told him, it was that heartbreaking for me. Being vegetarian was part of my identity. My kids had only known this vegetarian life. My internal thoughts were swirling about how eating meat was being a traitor to my animal kindness beliefs. After months of seeking other opinions only to find that they all said basically the same thing, I finally decided to make some changes. It was during this time that I was also talking to Robby, who was telling me the same thing the doctors were. When I was ready, I took the plunge and read, "It Starts With Food" and joined Robby for the 90 day plan. To say it was the best thing I ever did is probably an understatement. Despite some medical setbacks late in the process, I have never felt better. Robby literally helped me every step of the way. He helped me before I started when I wanted to back out. He helped me during the first 6 weeks when my results were at their best. He said to me, "It's like your a different person! Your face is clear and you just seem so happy." He even helped me when towards the end some of my symptoms started to return. (Acne is a big indicator of something being off for me and it returned, despite following the plan.) He encouraged me to have blood work redone and sure enough, there were things that were off again. The good news was that the Hashimoto's numbers were better and my pre diabetic numbers too, those are what the food change helped with. But my thyroid numbers were worse, something food didn't have much control over. Although my stats are pretty boring, I only lost 9 pounds and 2 inches off my waist, I don't regret a minute and would do it all again. As a matter of fact, I never stopped the original plan. I never added the other things back in. I feel so good that I don't see the point in messing with it. Truth is that sometimes I miss the sweets and the bread but not enough to stop eating this way and mess with all my progress. I plan to continue this journey as long as it takes to reach my goal. I'm thankful for Robby in so many ways, but the biggest is despite not knowing me very well, he believed I could do it before I did!! Thanks Robby! Thanks CrossFit South Bend! Thanks to all the coaches who've encouraged me this last year, I honestly wouldn't have done it without you! [/content_band][/text_output][share title="Share this Post" facebook="true" twitter="true" google_plus="true" linkedin="true" email="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"][promo image="10017"]After[/promo][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2"][promo image="10019"]After[/promo][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Toilet Ninja

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