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Programming 6.13 – 6.19.16

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15-25 Minutes of Snatch Technique Work and Snatch Warm Up – Coaches Choice


Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes

Minute 1: 3 Hang Power Snatches

Minute 2: 6-10 Unbroken Strict Pull Ups

Minute 3: 30 seconds of a static pillar – if you can hold a 30 second pillar with no issues, perform alternating hand reach with pillar


A. coaches choice, by the end of this you should have a general idea of what weights you’ll be working with

B. I want the pulling unbroken, find a scaling that allows you to hit the 6-10 range – I would also prefer a scaling that you start off on the higher end to allow for some attrition. If pillars are no big deal, perform alternating hand reach pillars <– this guy kind of has the right idea, only we like forearms parallel to each other, not turned in and I want you to rotate your thumb upwards and your elbow down so that the shoulder is externally rotated.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Tuesday 6.14.16″ open=”false”]Tuesday 6.14.16


Squat 5rm @ 30X1


For time:

150 Push Ups

Every time you break, perform a 200m sprint (100m out and back, outside…you know where it is)


A. Stripping some of the tempo out of the bottom as we get closer to testing, control that shit on the down – fire up out of the hole, pause at the top to squeeze your glutes and press your ribcage down for a 1 count.

B. Lets give you a range here

If you can do 15 or less push ups as a MAX SET, you should probably scale the workout to incline push ups to some degree, find something you can maybe hit 20 on the first set if you needed to.

If you can do 16 – 25 push ups in a sitting, quality push ups – you are probably fine to do this as Rx’d

If you can stud out 26 or more push ups with no problem, do a deficit push up with a 45lb plate on both sides, still try to touch your chest to the ground – if you don’t, it kind of defeats the purpose of the deficit.

These are obviously just suggestions, you can modify on the fly, I don’t want you finishing in 30 minutes, but I don’t want you to finish the workout in 4 sets either.

This gets us to one other topic – try not to snake the push ups, although I do believe there is a place in training for snaking push ups (let the arguments commence) or to shoot the elbow to the side, or internally rotate the shoulders, there is a reason we teach the push ups the way we do in regards to the context of what we are trying to get out of it and transferability to other movements. So just stay tight – maintain your position, screw your shoulders into the ground, keep the elbows in tight – chin chest hips touching the ground. Here

Oh, and if you have issues running – pain in any way, we shouldn’t have to ask, just row a 250 as a substitution.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Wednesday 6.15.16″ open=”false”]Wednesday 6.15.16


3 Rounds

8 Minutes to perform

4 Minute Max Calorie Row
4 Minute amrap of 200m run, 10 Burpees, 10 wall balls

rest 4 minutes


Scoring is calories, plus the points in the other amrap, a 200m run counts as 20 points. so lets say you got

60 cal
200m run
10 burpees
10 wall balls
200m run
5 burpees

your score is 125.

Find a ball you can squat low enough with, and nail the target every time

Sure, if you are in the middle of a 200m run and the timer goes off… just guess how many meters you ran and use that.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Thursday 6.16.16″ open=”false”]Thursday 6.16.16


15-20 Minutes to work up to a Hang Power Clean x 3


10 Minute amrap

5 Hang Power Cleans @ 45-55% of 3rm

10 Kipping Pull Ups

Rest 30s between rounds


A. Anytime you have hang work that is a x2, x3, etc. Unless otherwise specified, you stay connected to the bar. If it were written 1.1.1 instead of x3, it would make sense you are breaking from the bar. But it doesn’t, so don’t.

Please for the love of god, if you know you have issues in the landing position (landing wide, knees forward, not low enough) stay at that weight until you have corrected the issue to move on, I don’t care if its the bar.


These are meant to be fast rounds, given you are taking 30s between rounds during the amrap. So pick something you feel snappy with on both the % and the scaling for kipping pull ups. Don’t jump the gun on the rest either to get more rounds in, take the rest and work on making the rounds fast and unbroken if possible.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Friday 6.17.16″ open=”false”]Friday 6.17.16


15-20 Minutes to find Press 2rm @ 30X1


4 Rounds

18 Walking Lunges with high knee step between

rest 30s

Max Unbroken Toes to Bar

rest 30s


A. We are still stripping some tempo out, no long hold at the top, still a 1 count though, try to beat last weeks tempo press 2

B. The coaches should know what we want here with the high knee lunge step, we want a little balance work here – that may bring your ability to hit heavier weights down, so be it.

Don’t rip your hands on the Toes to bar, you have my permission to leave a few reps in the tank on this one.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Saturday 6.18.16″ open=”false”]Saturday 6.18.16


5 Rounds

5 Minutes on, 4 Minutes off

10 Thrusters

10 Burpees over the bar

50 Double Unders


I want something pretty smooth for the thrusters, if you’ve done the workout sage that we used for testing week about 8 weeks ago, use that weight. If not, we will find something that day, again, don’t care if its the bar as long as it looks pretty.

This is going to be a sweaty workout, and I am looking for pacing here and consistency – so give me that, I want your first round to look the same as your last.

Scaling for doubles, we will talk about that during class

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Sunday 6.19.16″ open=”false”]Sunday 6.19.16


@ the top of a running clock

0 – 20 mark

Row 1k as fast as possible, rest the remainder of the time


20-40 mark

4 minutes to complete as fast as possible, rest the remainder of the time

40 Deadlifts

40 Calorie Row


40-60 minute mark (this one is optional, as we will be going over on time)

4 minute amrap

5 Wall Walks

10 Box Jumps



These are meant to be as fast as possible efforts, so get after it, I want you to really feel as though you need that rest



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