Programming 3.7 – 3.13

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-03-07
End Date: 2022-03-13

Monday March 7, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

0-12 Minute Amrap
20s Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold Left Leg
20s Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold Right Leg
20s Quadruped plank
10 Russian KBS
10 Push Ups
10 Alternating Active Straight Leg Raise
12-22; work up and finish
2-3 Sets @ race pace
50 Jump Rope Singles
2 Deadlifts or KBS
2 Bar Facing Burpees
2 Deadlifts or KBS
2 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Jump Rope Singles

B) Option 1: For Time; 10 Minute Time cap

Bar-facing burpees

225/155 on DL
C) Option 2: For Time; 10 Minute Time cap

Deadlifts @ light weight or Heavy American KBS
Lateral No Push Up Burpee Over Bar

Tuesday March 8, 2022
Title: Tuesday - FBR
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) DL Squat + Pull: 4 Sets
90s to perform; @20X1; 10 KB/DB Goblet Squat
90s to perform; @20X1; 10 Standing Barbell Curl

*if you max out the DB at #100 for the reps, use two KB in the front rack
B) SL Squat + Push + Core: 18 Minute Amrap
20 Dball Bear Hug Walking Lunges; rest 30s
20-30 Banded Tricep Extensions; rest 30s
25yd/side Single Arm KB/DB Carry; rest 30s

Wednesday March 9, 2022
Title: Wednesday - Snatch/MAP 9 Mixed
Status: pending

A) Warm Up/Snatch Technique Work: 20 Minutes of Coaches Choice Full Snatch Technique
B) Aerobic - Cyclical Biased: 20 Minute Amrap
12/9 Cal Assault Bike
90 Jump Rope Singles or 30 Double Unders
150yd Run
30s Forearm Plank

Thursday March 10, 2022
Title: Thursday - FBR
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) DL Bend + Push: 4 Sets
2 min to perform; @20X1; 10 Barbell RDL
2 min to perform; @20X1; 10 Dual KB/DB Floor Press

B) SL Squat + Pull + Core: 18 Minute Amrap
10/side DB Step Ups; rest 30s
20-30 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns; rest 30s
20-30 Abmat sit ups; rest 30s

*if you can't perform the step ups with quality at a 90 degree angle, then don't add DB

Friday March 11, 2022
Title: Friday - Friday/MAP 9 Mixed
Status: pending

A) Warm Up/Clean and Jerk Technique Work: 20 Minutes of Coaches Choice Full Clean and Jerk Skill Work
B) Aerobic - Mixed Modal: 20 Minute Amrap; high turnover
3 Strict Push Up Burpee
6 Air Squats
9 Russian Kettbell Swings
12 Cal Assault Bike or Row

*if you can't keep the push up strict, do the workout below (there is no cyclical work here, spend more time doing good push ups

3 No Push Up Burpee
6 Incline Push Ups
9 Air Squats
12 Russian KBS

Saturday March 12, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Squat + Pull: 4 Sets
@20X1; 10 Back Squat
@20X1; 10 Strict Pull Ups
rest 2 minutes

*if you can't do the pull ups here without using more than 1 band, do a ring row
B) Push + Pull + Bend: 18 Minute Amrap
@20X1; 10 Barbell Bench Press; rest 30s
@20X1; 10/side Three Point Row; rest 30s
20-30 Goblet Good Morning; rest 30s

Sunday March 13, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

A) MAP 10: 60 Minute Amrap
5 Minute BIke
5 Minute Walk
5 Minute Row
5 Minute Walk

Programming 2.28 – 3.6

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-02-28
End Date: 2022-03-06

Monday February 28, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

A) Warm Up: 15 Minute Amrap @ easy pace
15 Cal Assault BIke
5/Side Crossbody DB RDL
30yd/side Single Arm OH KB Carry
10 Russian KBS
B) Option 1: Option 1: Upper Body Vertical + Bend + Squat: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 box wall walks or arms only inchworms
12 dumbbell snatches
15 box step up and overs

C) Option 2: Upper Body Vertical + Bend + Squat: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

3 wall walks
12 dumbbell snatches 35/50 RX WEIGHT
15 box jump-overs 20/24" RX HEIGHT

Tuesday March 1, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
Person 1 Assault Bike @ smooth pace
Person 2 Row @ Smooth pace
Person 3 performs
10yd Bear Crawl
30yd Dual KB OH KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Front Rack KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Farmers Carry/side

*same weight across carries

Wednesday March 2, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body - Vertical: 18 Minute Amrap
@03X3; Split Jerk x 3; rest 60s
6-8 Strict Pull ups; rest 60s

*warm up for the first 1-2 sets, then keep the last couple sets tough

*bands allowed here
*pause a solid 1 count at the top of the pull ups
*if you aren't doing strict pull ups, perform 10-12 Ring Rows, pause a 1 count at the top of these
B) Upper Body : 13 Minute Amrap
6 Single Arm DB Push Press/side
30 Double Unders
6 Push Ups
6 Single Arm Gorilla Row/side

Thursday March 3, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work - Mixed: 4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
15 Cal Assault Bike
15 Russian KBS
rest 2 minutes
4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
15/12 Cal Row
12 Alternating DB Snatch
rest 2 minutes
4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
100yd Run *25yd increments
12 Alternating Step Ups
rest 2 minutes

Friday March 4, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Speed Strength: EMOM x 7 Minutes
TNG Power Clean
5 reps fast @45-55% of your 1rm

*alternative here is TNG deadlifting and light/moderate weights pulled fast
B) Single Leg + Core: 8 Minute Amrap
4/Side DB Split Squat
5 Strict Knees to Elbows
rest 4 minutes
8 minute amrap
4/side Single Arm DB RDL
15 Abmat Sit Ups

Saturday March 5, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 1: *work on consistency

30s Assault Bike
50s Rest
x 8 Sets
rest 4 minutes
30s Run
50s Rest
x 8 Sets
rest 4 minutes
30s Row
50s Rest
x 8 Sets

Sunday March 6, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 18 Min Cap
2-3 Barbell Bench Press
5 Bent Over DB Row

*start right away, warm up as you go; end with the last 3 sets being tough
B) Upper Body Horizontal + Core: 10 Minute Amrap
10 Push Ups
40yd Farmers Carry

*all push ups should be pretty

Programming 2.21 – 2.27

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-02-21
End Date: 2022-02-27

Monday February 21, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work - Mixed: 4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
10 Burpees
30 Double Unders or 60 single unders
rest 2 minutes

2 Minute Amrap
16 Alternating DB Snatch
15/12 Cal Row
rest 2 minutes

2 Minute Amrap
10 Box Jumps
10 Step Ups
10 Cal Assault Bike
rest 2 minutes

Tuesday February 22, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Speed Strength: EVERY 30s x 8 Sets
1 Broad Jump

B) Strength Speed: EMOM x 8 Minutes
Power Clean
4 reps fast @45-65% of your 1rm

*alternative here is deadlifting
*if you can't deadlift your bodyweight for 3 reps @ 30X1, don't power clean.
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat : x6/side

*start from the ground and find your position there, pause a 1 count with your knee in contact with the ground each rep
C2) strict knees to elbows: x8
*accumulate the reps
x 4 Sets

Wednesday February 23, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 2: *work on consistency

60s Assault Bike
74s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 4 minutes
60s Run
74s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 4 minutes
60s Row
74s Rest
x 5 Sets

Thursday February 24, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
4-6 Barbell Bench Press
4-6 Three point DB Row

@21X1 for both
*start right away, warm up as you go
B) Upper Body Horizontal + Core: 13 Minute Amrap
20 Push Ups
10 Barbell Bicep Curls *unbroken
20yd Heavy Farmers Carry

*push ups don't have to be unbroken, but they should be pretty
*don't fast walk on the farmers carry

Friday February 25, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing - Map 9: 75s @ each x 5 Sets
Assault Bike
Single Unders
Step Up 20/16
Bear Crawl

*if you can't bear crawl that long, hold a plank as long as you can - standard plank on hands

Saturday February 26, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

35 Minute Amrap
Man Overboard; teams of

Person 1
10 Russian KBS
10 No Push Up Burpees
10 KB Push Press/side
10 No Push Up Burpees
10 Russian KBS

Person 2
Assault BIke

Person 3

Person 4

Sunday February 27, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
Person 1 Assault Bike @ smooth pace
Person 2 Row @ Smooth pace
Person 3 performs
10yd Bear Crawl
30yd Dual KB OH KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Front Rack KB Carry
30yd Dual KB Farmers Carry/side

*same weight across carries

Programming 2.14 – 2.20

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-02-14
End Date: 2022-02-20

Monday February 14, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: completed

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Speed Strength: EVERY 30s x 10 Sets
1 Vertical Jump in place
B) Strength Speed: EMOM x 10 Minutes
Power Clean
3 reps fast @45-65% of your 1rm

*alternative here is deadlifting
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat : x8/side

*start from the ground and find your position there, pause a 1 count with your knee in contact with the ground each rep
C2) strict knees to elbows: xMax
x 4 Sets

Tuesday February 15, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 2: *work on consistency

60s Assault Bike
90s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 5 minutes
60s Run
90s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 5 minutes
60s Row
90s Rest
x 5 Sets

Wednesday February 16, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
6-8 Barbell Bench Press
6-8 Three point DB Row

*use the first few sets as warm up, then keep the last 4 sets tough
B) Upper Body Horizontal + Core: 13 Minute Amrap
12-20 Push Up Variation
8-12 Barbell Bicep Curl
20yd/arm Heavy SA Farmers Carry

Push up, ring push up, or deficit push up, chest elevated push ups
*don't fast walk on the farmers carry

Thursday February 17, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing - Map 9: 90s @ each x 5 Sets
Assault Bike
Step Up 20/16
Single Unders

Friday February 18, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: @5112; 15 Minute Cap
3x3; Warm Up
3x3; working sets
rest around 2-3 minutes between working sets

B) LB Volume: 20 Minute Amrap @ casual pace
@3331; 3 Back Squats
10 Alternating Plank Leg Lift
8 Side Plank Clamshells/side
10 Steps/side Lateral Banded Walk
rest 90-120s

Saturday February 19, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
Person 1 Assault Bike @ smooth pace
Person 2 performs
10yd Bear Crawl
20yd Left Arm Single Arm OH KB Carry
20yd Left Arm Single Arm Front Rack KB Carry
20yd Left Arm Single Arm KB Farmers Carry/side
20yd Right Arm Single Arm OH KB Carry
20yd Right Arm Single Arm Front Rack KB Carry
20yd Right Arm Single Arm KB Farmers Carry/side
10yd Bear Crawl

*carries are done in 10yd increments
*use the same weight across carries

Sunday February 20, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body - Vertical: 20 Minute Amrap
@03X3; Split Jerk x 5; rest 60s
8 Strict Pull ups; rest 60s

*warm up for the first 1-2 sets, then keep the last couple sets tough

*you can accumulate the pull ups in smaller sets, as long as they are pretty, bands allowed
*if you aren't doing strict pull ups, perform 10-12 Ring Rows
B) Upper Body Vertical: 13 Minute Amrap
2 Wall Walks
6-10 Strict or Ring Dips
8-10 Single Arm Gorilla Row
10-12 Banded Straight Arm Lat Pulldown
Work through at a casual pace

Programming 2.7 -2.13

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-02-07
End Date: 2022-02-13

Monday February 7, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 2: 60s Assault Bike
90s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 5 minutes
60s Run
90s Rest
x 5 Sets
rest 5 minutes
60s Row
90s Rest
x 5 Sets

Tuesday February 8, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
6-8 Barbell Bench Press; rest 30-60s
6-8 Bent Over Dual KB or DB Row rest 30-60s

*try to keep a 30X0 tempo with everything
*use the first few sets as warm up, then keep the last 4 sets tough
B) Upper Body Horizontal + Core: 15 Minute Amrap
6-10 Push Up Variation
12-16 Alternating Bicep Curl
10 Four Way Deadbugs

Push up, ring push up, or deficit push up

Wednesday February 9, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing - Map 9: Teams of 3 - 30 Minute Amrap, runner is the pace setter
Person 1; Run 200yds in 10yd increments
Person 2: Assault Bike for Cals
Person 3: Step Ups

*if you have a team of 2, person 2 will amrap 10 Cal assault bike and 20 step ups

Thursday February 10, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: Every 90s x 9 Sets
x 2

1,2,3 easy
4,5,6; moderate
7,8,9; tough

B) Lower Body DL Squat + Core: 5-6 Sets; 20 Minute Cap
Back Squat x 4-6
12 Steps goblet loaded alternating L/R Banded Walk
5 Side Plank Clamshells/side
rest 90-120s

*use the first two sets to warm up, keep the rest challenging

Friday February 11, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
15/12 Cal Bike
30yd/arm Single Arm Front Rack KB Carry
30s Plank on Hands
15/12 Cal Row
30yd/arm Single Arm KB Farmers Carry/side
30s Wall Sit
100 Single unders

*carries are done in 10yd increments

Saturday February 12, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body - Vertical: 5-6 Sets; 18 Minute Cap
@00X4; Push Press x 6; rest 60s
6 Strict Pull ups; rest 60s

*warm up for the first 1-2 sets, then keep the last couple sets tough

*you can accumulate the pull ups in smaller sets, as long as they are pretty, bands allowed
*if you aren't doing strict pull ups, perform 8-10 Ring Rows
B) Upper Body Vertical: 15 Minute Amrap
2 Wall Walks
6-10 Strict Dips
8-10 Dead Bug Pullovers
8-10 Barbell Drag Curl

Work through at a casual pace

4 Sets
2 Minute Amrap
15 Burpees
Row max distance in time remaining
rest 2 minutes

2 Minute Amrap
20 Alternating DB Snatch
BIke Max Distance in time remaining
rest 2 minutes

2 Minute Amrap
10 Box Jumps
10 Step Ups
Max Double Unders in time remaining
rest 2 minutes

*you need to modify so you get to the cyclical piece

Programming 1.31 – 2.6

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-31
End Date: 2022-02-06

Monday January 31, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal: 7 Sets; 20 Min Cap
8-10 DB Bench Press; rest 30-60s
8-10 Bent Over Barbell Row; rest 30-60s

*use the first few sets as warm up, then keep the last 4 sets tough
B) Upper Body Vertical + Core: 16 Minute Amrap
10-12 Seated Arnold Press
6-8 Barbell Drag Curl
30s Hollow Body Hold

Tuesday February 1, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 7: 10 Minute Amrap
5 Burpees
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
15 Cal Assault BIke
5 minute rest
10 Minute Amrap
500m Row
10 Box Jumps w/SD
5 Minute rest
10 Minute Amrap
30 Double Unders
10 Reverse Lunges
10 Abmat Sit Ups

Wednesday February 2, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: Every 90s x 9 Sets
x 3

1,2,3 easy
4,5,6; moderate
7,8,9; tough

B) Lower Body DL Squat + Core: 5-6 Sets; 20 Minute Cap
Back Squat x 6-8
20 Steps goblet loaded alternating L/R Banded Walk
rest 90-120s

*use the first two sets to warm up, keep the rest challenging

Thursday February 3, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Pacing Work - Map 10: 45 Minute Amrap @ conversational pace
15/12 Cal Bike
30yd/arm Single Arm Front Rack KB Carry
30s Plank on Hands
15/12 Cal Row
30yd/arm Single Arm KB Farmers Carry/side
30s Wall Sit
100 Single unders

*carries are done in 10yd increments

Friday February 4, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body - Horizontal: 5-6 Sets; 18 Minute Cap
@30X1; Push Press x 6; rest 60s
6 Strict Pull ups; rest 60s

*warm up for the first 1-2 sets, then keep the last couple sets tough

*you can accumulate the pull ups in smaller sets, as long as they are pretty, bands allowed
B) Upper Body Vertical: 15 Minute Amrap
8-10 Strict Dips
8-10 Ring Rows
2 Wall Walks
8 Single Arm Bicep Curl/side

Work through at a casual pace

Saturday February 5, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Pacing Work: 4 Sets
500m Row
rest 2 minutes
30/25 Cal Bike
rest 2 minutes
30 No Push Up Burpees
rest 2 minutes

2 minute cap on all the activities

Sunday February 6, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Speed Strength: 10x1; reverse med ball throw
B) Strength Speed: Work up to a power clean single in 10 minutes
EMOM x 10 Minutes
3 reps fast @45-65% of today's 1rm

*alternative here is deadlifting
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat : x8/side
C2) strict knees to elbows: xMax
x 3 Sets

Programming 1.24 – 1.28

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-24
End Date: 2022-01-28

Monday January 24, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

Skill Work Included

Bike setup
Russian KBS
Air Squat
Push Up
Single Arm Gorilla Row

A) Mixed Teams of 2-3: 25 Minute Amrap

Partner 1 Performs the following while Partner 2 accumulates calories on the assault bike

12 No Push Up Burpees
10 Air Squats
8 Russian KBS
6 Push Ups
4 Single Arm KB Gorilla Row/side

Tuesday January 25, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

Skill Work Included
Med Grip Bench Press
Top Down DB Curl
Skull Crusher
Ring Row
Core Variations

A) UB BRO SESH AMRAP: 15 Minute Amrap
Medium Grip Bench Press - @3 down, 1 at the chest x 8
rest 30s
Top Down DB Curl x12-16
rest 60-90s

B) UB BRO SESH Cont.: 10 Minute Amrap; casual pace
12-15 Skull Crushers
12-15 Single Arm Ring Row
12-15 V-ups, Tuck Ups, or Sit Ups

Wednesday January 26, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

Skill Work included
Goblet Squat
Assault Bike Setup
Famers Hold
Prisoner Step Up

A) LB Squat, Tough: *use the first two sets as warm up and practice, last three sets tough

5 Sets
@20X1; Every 2:30; hit 15 Goblet Squats

B) Mixed Cyclical + Iso; Teams of 3: 13 Minute Amrap
Bike 15 Calories
Single Arm Farmers Hold
Prisoner Step Ups

*accumulate as many reps in the time; you must be holding to get the reps done

The switch is dictated by the person on the bike

Thursday January 27, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

Skill work included
Row technique
Turkish Get Up
Dead Bug Pullover
Single Arm Arnold Press

A) UB Vertical + Core: 13 Minute Amrap
12-15 Dead Bug DB Pullovers
12-15 Single Arm Arnold Z-Press

B) Lactic Power + TGU: 30s Row @ TOUGH Pace
4 Turkish Get Ups
rest/walk 2 minutes
x 3 Sets each

Friday January 28, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

Skill work included
Dumbbell snatch
Reverse Lunge
Ball Slam

A) LB Mixed Teams of 3: 25 Minute Amrap
60 Assault BIke Cals
60 Alternating DB Snatch
60 Reverse Lunge
60 Ball Slams

Programming 1.17 – 1.23

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-17
End Date: 2022-01-23

Monday January 17, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal Work: Barbell Bench Press; x8-10; rest 30s
Three Point DB Row; x6-8/arm; rest 30s
x 6 Sets ; *2 warm up sets, 4 working sets
18 Minute Cap
directly into
7 Minute Amrap at casual pace
12-15 Push Ups; no rest
12-15 Ring Rows; no rest

*do this as a 25 minute rolling clock, you can pair up on rings/push up spots

B) Core w/Breathing: 15 Minute Amrap
18/15 Cal Assault Bike
20 KB Russian Twist
20-30s Side Plank/side
rest 60s between sets

Tuesday January 18, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: EMOM x 8 Minutes
x 5; all moderate
B) Mixed Lower Body : 5 Sets; 20 minute cap
5/arm KB Clean
5/arm KB Thruster
5/arm KB SA Rack Reverse Lunge
rest 90s
*use the same weight across the board here

Wednesday January 19, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up

A) MAP 10 Aerobic Recovery: Round the World - 3 Sets
4 min Row
4 min AB
4 min Run
4 Minute Amrap; 4 TGU + 50 JR Singles

*15s transition between movements

Thursday January 20, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Shoulders: 15 Minute Amrap
10 Alternating DB Hang Muscle Snatch to Single Arm DB Push Press
15 Ring Rows
20yd Bear Crawl
30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders

B) Lactic Power + Core: EMOM x 5 Sets
M1: 25s Assault Bike @ TOUGH pace
M2: Rest
M3: Max Rep Core Variation
M4: Rest

*core variation; Bent hollow hold, hollow hold, hollow rocks

Friday January 21, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up, get right into it

A) Snatch Skill Work: Take 20 minutes to work through this and get as far as you can

A, B, Cs':
1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5
2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3
3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch x3
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Full Speed Power Snatch x1+1
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat TO Full Speed Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x1+1
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch TO Full Speed Snatch x1+1

B) Mixed Lower Body: 15 Minute Amrap
10 No Push Up Burpee w/ Box Jump/SD
10 Wall Balls
10 American KBS

Saturday January 22, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Team Workout (Teams of 2-3): OPTION 1
35 Minute Amrap; I go - you go (rounds)
10 Calorie Row
80yd Run
10 Russian KBS
40yd Goblet Carry

35 Minute Amrap; I go - you go (rounds)
10 Calorie Row
80yd Run
6 Dual KB Clean
40yd Dual KB Front Rack Carry

*all runs/carries are in 10yd increments

Sunday January 23, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Mixed Gymnastics Work: 6 Sets
75s Bike
75s Rope Climb
75s Row
75s Wall Walk
Rest 3 minutes

Programming 1.10 – 1.16

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-10
End Date: 2022-01-16

Monday January 10, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal Work: Barbell Bench Press; x12-15; rest 30s
Three Point DB Row; x10-12/arm; rest 30s
x 7 Sets; 25 minute cap

*3 warm up sets, 4 working sets
*don't take the rest between the first 3 warm up sets, just bouce back and forth until you get to the working sets

B) Core w/Breathing: 15 Minute Amrap
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
50yd Single Arm Farmers Carry/side
rest 60s between sets

Tuesday January 11, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: EMOM x 10 Minutes
x 4; all moderate
B) Mixed Lower Body : 5 Sets; 20 minute cap
10 KB Goblet Squats
10 Russian Kettlebell
10 Alternating Goblet Step Ups
10 Bodyweight Reverse Lunges
rest 90s

*use the same weight for the goblet step ups, kbs, goblet suqats

Wednesday January 12, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up

A) MAP 10 Aerobic Recovery: Round the World - 3 Sets
3 min Row
60s Plank
3 min AB
60s Glute Bridge March
3 min Run
60s Reverse Plank Bridge
3 Minute Amrap; 4 TGU + 50 JR Singles
60s Wall Sit March

Thursday January 13, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Shoulders: 15 Minute Amrap
10 Alternating Push Up Shoulder Tap
5/arm Single arm Curl to Press
20yd Quadruped Bear Crawl
10 Ring Rows

B) Alactic + Core: EMOM x 5 Sets
M1: 20s Assault Bike @ 100%
M2: Rest
M3: Max Rep Core Variation
M4: Rest

*core variation; hanging leg raise, toes to bar

Friday January 14, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up, get right into it

A) Snatch Skill Work: Take 20 minutes to work through this and get as far as you can

A, B, Cs':
1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5
2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3
3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch x3
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Full Speed Power Snatch x1+1
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat TO Full Speed Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x1+1
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch TO Full Speed Snatch x1+1

B) Mixed Lower Body: 15 Minute Amrap
50 Double Unders or 150 Singles
15 Wall Balls
15 No Push Up Burpees
15 American KBS

Saturday January 15, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Team Workout: OPTION 1
35 Minute Amrap; I go - you go (rounds)
10 Cal Assault BIke
10 Alternating DB Snatch
60yd Goblet Front Rack Carry
80yd Run

35 Minute Amrap; I go - you go (rounds)
10 Cal Assault BIke
10 TNG Power Snatch
60yd Goblet Front Rack Carry
80yd Run

*all runs/carries are in 10yd increments

Sunday January 16, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Mixed Gymnastics Work: 8 Sets
60s Bike
30s Rest
60s Rope Climb
30s Rest
60s Row
30s Rest
60s Wall Walk
30s Rest

Programming 1.3 – 1.9

By: 0

Workout Log: CFSB - Class Programming
Start Date: 2022-01-03
End Date: 2022-01-07

Monday January 3, 2022
Title: Monday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Upper Body Horizontal Work: Barbell Bench Press; x8-10; rest 30s
Three Point DB Row; x6-8/arm; rest 60s
x 6 Sets; 20 minute cap

*3 warm up sets, 3 working sets
*don't take the rest between the first 3 warm up sets, just bouce back and forth until you get to the working sets

B) Core w/Breathing: 15 Minute Amrap
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
8 Single Arm KB Clean/side
15 Core Variation
rest 60s between sets

*Core variation; Sit ups, tuck ups, v-ups

Tuesday January 4, 2022
Title: Tuesday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Deadlift - CF: EMOM x 10 Minutes
x 3; all moderate
B) Mixed Lower Body : 5 Sets; 20 minute cap
8 KB Goblet Squats
12 American KBS
16 Reverse Lunges
rest 90s
*tough on goblet squats, use the same KB for the swings

Wednesday January 5, 2022
Title: Wednesday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up

A) Aerobic Recovery: Round the World - 45mins Amrap
2min Row
15 Straight leg sit ups
2min AB
20 Alternating Step Ups
2min Run
15 Banded Glute Bridges
2 Minute Turkish Get Ups
50 Jump Rope Singles

Thursday January 6, 2022
Title: Thursday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches Choice

A) Shoulders: 15 Minute Amrap
10 Diamond Push Ups
10 Push Press
10 Single arm Hammer Curl/side
30s Side Plank/side

B) Alactic + Core: EMOM x 5 Sets
M1: 15s Assault Bike @ 100%
M2: Rest
M3: 12-15 Core Variation
M4: Rest

*core variation; hanging leg raise, toes to bar

Friday January 7, 2022
Title: Friday
Status: pending

Warmup: No warm up, get right into it

A) Snatch Skill Work: Take 20 minutes to work through this and get as far as you can

A, B, Cs':
1) Squatting Quad Muscle Snatch x3-5
2) Squatting Quad Power Snatch x3
3) Squatting Quad Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
4) Squatting Quad Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch x3
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x3
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch (squat snatch) x3

1) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Full Speed Power Snatch x1+1
2) 3 Part Pausing Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat TO Full Speed Power Snatch TO Overhead Squat x1+1
3) 3 Part Pausing Snatch TO Full Speed Snatch x1+1

B) Lower Body Mixed Modal: 15 Minute Amrap
30 Double Unders or 90 Singles
10 Wall Balls
10 No Push Up Burpees
10 Russian KBS

Saturday January 8, 2022
Title: Saturday
Status: pending

Warmup: Coaches choice

A) Team Workout: OPTION 1
30 Minute Amrap; I go - you go
5 SA DB Clean and Jerk/arm
5 Synchronized Burpees
15 Calorie Bike; let the cals roll up

30 Minute Amrap; I go - you go
10 Clean and Overhead
5 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees
15 Calorie Bike; let the cals roll up

Sunday January 9, 2022
Title: Sunday
Status: pending

A) MAP 10: 10 Sets
30s Bike
30s Rest
30s Run
30s Rest
30s Box Jump step Down
30s Rest
30s Dual KB Front Rack Carry
30s Rest
30s Plank
30s Rest