2015 03 08
**time change! Don’t forget Sunday 3.8.15
Four rounds for max reps of:
60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Push-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Push Press (115/75 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Perform in teams of two, one partner working for the full 60 seconds, then resting and supporting their teammate for 60 seconds. Track scores individually and as a team
2015 03 07
Saturday 3.6.15 Crossfit Open Wod 15.2
Fresh Outta Fundamentals
(Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 6 overhead squats or Front Squats 45/33 6 Jumping pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 8 overhead squats or Front Squats 45/33 8 Jumping pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats or Front Squats 45/33 10 Jumping pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Standards"]Demo the Standards for Overhead Squat Front Squat **For Fundamentals who are not signed up Notes: Crease of the hip below the top of the knee, full extension at the top of the movement Chest to Bar Notes: Full extension at bottom of pull up, heels behind plane, chest MAKES PHYSICAL CONTACT AT OR BELOW CLAVICLE. Chin over bar Notes: Chin breaks horizontal plane of the pull up bar, heels behind plane, full extension at bottom. Jumping Pull Up: Notes: Begins from quarter squat or power position, full extension and head through at bottom, chin over horizontal plane at top.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Strategies Around the Workout"]1. Placement of your equipment - An extra 3 seconds of walk time to your bar can add up in the short 3 minute windows, so many sure your bar is placed close, but not dangerously close. Make sure chalk, grips, water, anything you need is within reasonable reach. 2. Partitioning your repetitions - This is something we will touch on in the tactical section. This is something you should be putting a lot of thought into the night before though. Come in with a plan. 3. Mobility in the overhead position - If the weight is heavy for you, you may want to consider a power clean, transfer to back, push press from the back into the overhead snatch position rather than a snatch. 4. Hand care - Make a hand grip, play with it before hand to assure comfort. Check out a tutorial video here Note: This is something you want to make sure you do before you get into the gym, the coach may not have time to make one for you if class has begun. Go get some tape tonight and play with it. 5. Grips - Whatever you are comfortable with is what you'll want to stick with. But remember, forearms get pretty blown up in this workout. You may want to experiment with mixed grip, chin up grip, etc.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Equipment"]1. Bar type You may benefit from using a smaller diameter bar during the workout, but remember, when we have 60 people doing this workout on Saturday, and heats going. Priorities on the girl bars...go to the ladies first, if you don't get a girl bar, and you are a guy...suck it up. 2. Distance from you to the bar Make sure the bar is something within a small jumps reach, you don't want to be jumping a foot to the bar each time. On the same note, don't stack plates so high that you will hit them each time you come down from a pull up. Also be aware WHERE your plates are underneath you and don't roll ankles when you drop off the bar. Be mindful of what your body is doing during this workout. 3. Chalk Chalk your bar, Chalk your pull up bar, Chalk your hands. Place your chalk where you need it to be within reach. But don't be a jackass and spray chalk everywhere during the workout. If you are a sweaty person, you may want to consider wearing a fuzzy wrist sweatbands so you don't have to make a chalk paste during the workout. 4. Shoes Wearing olympic weightlifting shoes can improve mobility in the overhead squat movement. However they typically do add weight to the pull up. When considering the shoes, put the emphasis on the overhead squat first, then take into account the pull ups. 5. Comfort Stick with what you know, the equipment you are used to using, the place on the pull up bar you like. Don't try anything new on game day unless you feel its definitely worth it. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Movements"]1. Body Type This workout is favoring the shorter athlete, less weight to move during the pull ups, the better. I prefer to do this type of workout fasted if you are used to that, if not. Don't try anything new on game day. 2. Overhead Squat While warming up you may want to consider playing with a narrow grip if you have the ability to do so, it may save your shoulders for the pull ups in the later rounds. Get the bar overhead the most comfortable way you can, but if you need to rest, it may be best to bring it to your back, then pop it back overhead, it will save you from having to snatch the bar back overhead and save you some time. Breathe at the top of the overhead squats, holding your breath will cause your blood pressure to increase, causing you to drop cardiac output. That = worse score. 3. Pull Ups Butterfly or Regular kip? use what you most frequently use during workouts, and stick with it from there. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Strategies for Breaking Sets"]1. Breaking up the reps A. Athlete who just wants to get past the first 3 minute mark Try to stay connected to the bar as long as you can for the Overhead Squats, then be intelligent about breaking up the Pull Ups. If you just recently got pull ups, or aren't too savvy with them. Your sets may look something like this. 5-5 (If you can hit 10-20 pull ups relatively easily) 4-3-2-1 (If you can hit 10-15 pull ups relatively easily) 3-2-2-2-1 (If you can hit 10 pull ups as close to a max set) 2-2-2-2-2 (If you can hit 10 pull ups as close to a max set) 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (If you can hit 10 or under as a max) and finally, if you can kind of get one pull up 1, rest 15-30 seconds, 1, rest 15-30 seconds...you get the idea B. Athlete who will be getting into the second or third round with difficulty Round 1 10 ohs, 5/5 c2b, 10 ohs, 5/5 c2b Round 2 12 ohs, 3/3/3/3 c2b, 6/3/3 ohs, 2/2/2/2/2/2 c2b Round 3 Go HAM C. Athlete who should be getting past the second round, maybe past the 3rd Round 1 10 ohs, 10 c2b...10 ohs, 5/5 c2b Round 2 12 ohs, 7/5 c2b...12 ohs, 6/3/3 c2b Round 3 14 ohs, 5/5/2/2 c2b...9/5 ohs, 5/4/3/2 c2b Round 4 Go HAM [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Doing the workout a second time"]1. Doing this workout again If you don't make it very far and you had stayed within the first round. Your hands aren't torn and your arms - biceps - forearms - lats aren't smoked. Give it a go.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Warm up / Movement Prep / Metabolic Prep"]Preparing for a large class we will be performing A. Aerobic 8 minutes total 2 Rounds 1/4 of class Rows hard for 40 seconds 20 seconds to transition 1/4 of class Jogs hard for 40 seconds 20 seconds to transition 1/4 of class pass throughs with PVC pipe 20 seconds to transition 1/4 of class jumping jacks for 40 seconds 20 seconds to transition 5 minutes to grab equipment, or we start the next portion without you! Come in today with your fast pants on. B. Movement Prep 8 minute cap, move through at 80%. If you don't get it all done, no worries. 4 Rounds 6 Kettlebell Goblet Squats 55/35 6 PVC Overhead Squats 12 Walking lunges with twist 5 minutes to put away equipment, and get equipment for the next portion C. Partner Up in 2 or 3s depending on the amount of people, Get one bar per team. **Decide which order everyone will go in on your team **Decide who will be judging who Perform 2-3 rounds each Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 1+3-5 OR However you are intending on getting the bar up + Overhead Squat 1+3-5 Pull Ups at your scaling 2-3 Note: One person will hit 2-3 rounds back to back, meaning one person goes through and hits them with minimal rest, then on to the next person. If you feel you need to prime back up before your workout, do it again with smaller rep ranges as soon as the first athlete has finished. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Nutrition"]1. Performing the workout light This workout, you may want to perform fasted, or at least on a very light light meal. Do what you are used to doing. If you aren't used to performing the workout fasted, DO NOT try it today. The light meal should be a small protein carb snack and fast digesting, with a protein source that is low in fat. 2. Loading You do not have to carb or fat load this workout. Eat like you normally would the night before a big workout. 3. Supplements be careful with anything that has a "pump" in it, arginine or beta alanine, it may get you "on swole" and make your forearms fail a little early. 4. Get in your usual post workout right after.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Mobility the night before"]Do some mobility for the overhead position for the snatch and pull ups Eat it up here at all things gym mobility 101[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]2015 03 06
2015 03 05
Crossfit Open Guessing Game Wod 2
You must enter both... 1. The movement(s) that you think will be released in tonight's wod. 2. Time domain: This will be the tie breaker, you may guess the same as another person, but if you have the closest time domain, you win. You may also guess that the workout will be open ended.If two people accidentally guess the same movements and time domains, it will go to the person who posted it first. Winner goes to the person that gets the movements correct that week.
So, the comments section should look like this. Brandon: Thrusters and Burpees – open ended. Savannah: Pull Ups and Box Jumps – 5 minutes Emily C: Pull Ups and box jumps – 7 minutes. Carl: Thrusters and butt stuff – just one time Amy: Cat Stuff in a rocking chair - Open ended Robby: Sitting in a room alone eating Saltine Crackers - 35 minutes You get the ideaHow many Guesses? You must post ONLY ONE GUESS PER EACH PERSON EACH WEEK. Ready, 3…2…1…Go! What movements might I see in the open? Click here to check out years 2011 - 2014 for an idea of what you might see!
2015 03 05
Wod Release Hangout tonight, and head to head challenge!
2015 03 05
2015 03 04
2015 03 04
2015 03 03
Hearing Impaired Scam with CrossFit
Note: I thought the private transportation thing was a little odd, we have had things like this in the past though with transportation issues due to Notre Dame in the area. This isn't terribly out of the ordinary, we do a lot of personal training with a many different types of people.Brandon wilton: Hey there! Its nice to hear back from you. Our personal training sessions are usually $60 an hour, if you are purchasing more than 10, we give 15% off. so at 24 sessions with 4 people, it would wind up being. $1224. Or around 300 a person for 24 private group sessions. If you would like to move forward on this, just let me know and I can give you the link with the discount code. Then I can gather some further information as to what you would like to accomplish during the sessions. You can check out more details pertaining to our personal training sessions here http://crossfitsouthbend.com/personal-training/ This way we can get a good idea of your expectations and start working on a template. 7329646436: None of them is hearing impaired, no health issues nor injuries The goals are to Gain strength, Mobility, Flexibility Does M/W/F work for you Afternoon sessions Brandon wilton: What time(s) were you looking for in the afternoon? 7329646436: 3pm Brandon wilton: and when were you looking to begin? 7329646436: Could you please help me with the sum total? 9th March Brandon wilton: So here is how this would work from here, step by step. 1. Head to https://crossfit-south-bend.myshopify.com/products/60-minute-personal-training-session?variant=1126929804 2. Put in as many personal training sessions as you would like in the quantity and enter discount code “ tenplus “ If you purchase 10 or more, that will give you 15% off, and you can see the sum total from there the total would be $1224 after discount I will then email you ( if you could send me your email please ) That way I can set up an initial consultation for free to talk to everyone, get to know everyone, and have something a little more solid to base the programming off of. 7329646436: Sorry, I have no direct access to the internet nor computer for the moment, I have been advised to stay off this due to my recent surgery and to allow me quick recovery.
Notes: This is where I wanted to call bullshit, so I started googling and found this message board on CrossFit.com http://board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?p=1249645 . No internet nor computer for recovery? and you are typing? This is all really off. I went on CrossFit.com and immediately sent them an email, perhaps they can put something out there to warn people so someone a little more gullible won't fall for it. Wanted to continue the conversation because I couldn't quite figure out the endgame here of what they wanted.Brandon wilton: okay, we can advise through text message if you would like. 7329646436: Ok, that's fine What is the total cost, tax inclusive and Can I have your full name,address and direction for the private transport to locate your place when they are coming for the service. Brandon wilton: Hey there Jennifer, the tax is already included in the service, it is $1224 for 24 sessions. Brandon Wilton, Crossfit South Bend. 3927 North Home Street, Mishawaka IN 46545. I would love to give you directions as well, if you would like to let me know where they will be coming from. Also, have you been hearing impaired your entire life? or is this from a recent event? and are you at a hospital locally? or traveling to a hospital? Hey there! I was speaking to a colleague of mine who would love to pay you for an interview about doing CrossFit while hearing impaired as well. Let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
Note: Tried baiting them a few times with conversation, or with payment to see what they wanted until I found this on hearing impaired scams . It looks like it was the transportation service that was the hook. So I thought I would make sure.Hey there, just checking in with you to make sure things are wrapped up. Let us know if you need anything in the future. Also let us know if you would like us to arrange transportation or if you would prefer to use your own service. 7329646436: Using my own transport service
Note: Ahhhhh, there is the response, thought so.Brandon wilton: sounds great. how would you like to proceed? 7329646436: I'm still having problem getting driver arranged because he does not have credit card facility Brandon wilton: is that anything we can help with?
Note: or not, here is the bait.7329646436: If you can have it charged together with your fees and have his portion deposited into his bank account as soon as you have payment cleared into your bank account.
Notes: Aaaaannnnddd thats the scam. They want you to deposit funds into their account before the cash clears into yours, then they cancel the transaction and close down the accounts. Not very well versed on every scam out there, but, hopefully no one falls for this.
2015 03 03