Monday 4-20-15
Warm-up: Burgener warm-up
A. Snatch pull + snatch – work up to a technically sound set of the complex. This is a good way to work on speed through the hips on the 2nd pull!
B. Front squat – 5 reps each at 85, 90, 95% of 5RM (you should have a 5RM from 2/23/25, otherwise estimate). Then 1 drop set of max reps at 85%.
C. 12 min AMRAP of:
3 DB snatch high pulls, 3 DB snatches, 3 DB OHS (do all reps on the right)
3 DB snatch high pulls, 3 DB snatches, 3 DB OHS (do all reps on the left)
30 Russian twists (45/25)
2015 04 20