Thursday, 9.24.15
2 Weeks left to make a donation to Wade’s Army and still receive a shirt. The shirt must be claimed by October 8th
Complete the following sprints:
2 x 20 yd Sprints
(rest 20 seconds between efforts)

Rest 30 seconds then…
4 x 30 yd Sprints
(rest 30 seconds between efforts)
Rest 30 seconds then…
10 x 10 yd Flying Starts
(rest 30 seconds between efforts)
*For flying starts, take 10 meters to accelerate, you should be full speed by the time you hit your start.
Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout)
Bench Press (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)
Barbell Step Up 4×6 each leg (use 35% of Back Squat 1 RM)
Close Grip Bench Press 3 RM, 1 x Max Reps at 80% of 3 RM
2015 09 23