Programming 3.6 – 3.12
Workout Log: CFSB – Class Programming
Start Date: 2021-03-06
End Date: 2021-03-12
Saturday March 6, 2021
Title: Saturday
Warmup: For class:
work on consistent round times
Time Limits:
A. 40…
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
Bike instead of row
A) MAP 10: 40 Minute Amrap for consistent round times
20/18 Calorie Row
10 No Push Up Burpees
200m Run
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Sunday March 7, 2021
Title: Sunday
Warmup: We’ll be working through a small Snatch/CJ
Warm up – if you aren’t at the place where maxing out makes sense you’ll hit a.
8rm Front Squat
8rm Push Press
A) Snatch: Work up to a 1rm
B) Clean and Jerk: Work up to a 1rm
Monday March 8, 2021
Title: Week 1 – Monday
Warmup: For class:
Score the bench and three point row weight on the board, for those with Truecoach, always note everything
Time Limits:
A. 7 Minutes
B1/B2. 20 Minutes
C. 20 Minutes
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
a Glute Bridge Floor Press instead of a bench press
and a barbell bent over row instead of a ring row
A) Warm Up: 7 Minute Amrap
60s Assault BIke; build each set – end moderate
20-30s Plank on Hands
20-30s Reverse Plank Bridge
B1) Medium Grip Bench Press: @3131 x8-10; rest 60s
B2) Three Point Dumbbell Row: @3131; x8-10; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
C) Accessory + Single Modality: 3 Sets
@3010; 8-10 Push Ups
@3010; 8-10 Ring Rows
2:30 Assault Bike; work on consistent RPM
90s Rest
Tuesday March 9, 2021
Title: Tuesday
Warmup: For class:
score the back squat
Time Limits:
A. 7 Minutes
B. 15 Minutes to warm up and finish
C. 25 minutes to warm up and finish
D. 5 Minutes
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
Goblet Squat or Front Squat in place
A) Warm Up: 7 Minute Amrap
45 Jump Rope Singles
10 Arms Overhead Air Squats
10 Front Plank to Side Plank
B) Back Squat: @5211; 3×8; rest 2 minutes between
C) Single Leg Squat + Isometrics: 30-60s Side Plank/side; rest 60s
@3111; x12-15/side; Front Rack Split Squat; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
D) Front Plank on Elbows: Accumulate as much time as you can in a Front Plank, in 5 minutes.
Wednesday March 10, 2021
Title: Wednesday
Warmup: For class:
score the strict press and pullover weight
Time Limits:
A. 7 Minutes
B. 8 Minutes
C1/C2. 15 Minutes to warm up and finish
D. 15 Minute Cap
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
Bike instead of Row
Perform presses in place pulled from the floor
A) Warm Up: 7 Minute Amrap
10 Alternating Plank March
10 Reverse Plank to Tabletop Plank
10 Alternating Childs Pose T-spine rotation
B) Strict Pull: @3111; 3xMax reps; rest 90s between
*choose something you can hit at least 6 reps with!
C1) Strict Press: @3111; x10-12; rest 60s
C2) Dumbbell Pullover: @3110; x10-12; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
D) Accessory + Single Modality: 3 Sets
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Single Arm DB or KB Push Press/side
rest 60s between sets
Thursday March 11, 2021
Title: Thursday
Warmup: For class:
score the deadlift heaviest
Time Limits:
A. 7 Minutes
B. 12 Minutes
C. 20 Minutes to warm up and finish
D. 8 minutes
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
Perform a DB RDL, and a Side Plank Rotation/side
A) Warm Up: 7 Minute Amrap
10 Alternating Active Straight Leg Raise
10 Toe Touch to Squat
20-30s Prisoner Superman Hold
B) Deadlift: @3111; 12.10.8; rest 2 minutes
C) Single Leg Bend + Isometrics: @3211; x8/side Single Leg Landmine RDL; rest 60s
20-30 Abmat Sit Ups; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
D) Landmine Twist: 3×20; rest 90s between sides
Friday March 12, 2021
Title: Friday
Warmup: For class:
score nothing! get after it
Time Limits:
A. 7 Minutes
B1/B2. 12 Minutes
C1/C2. 12 Minutes
D. 10 minutes
For those not comfortable sharing equipment;
Row instead of bike
A) Warm Up: 7 Minute Amrap
60s Assault BIke
8-10 Side Plank Powell Raise/side
B1) Concentration Curl: x8-10; rest 30s
B2) Single Arm DB Skull Crushers : *pronated grip
x8-10; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
C1) Single-Arm Hammer Curl: x8-10; rest 30s
C2) Tricep Kickbacks : x8-10; rest 60s
x 3 Sets
D) Mixed Cyclical: 10 Minute Amrap
20/18 Cal Assault Bike
200m Run
30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders
2021 03 04