Amy’s Treat Corner-1 Year Anniversary

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This week officially marks the 1 year anniversary of Amy's Treat Corner! So, we're doing a throwback to the very first Amy's Treat Corner video, which we did last year for Thanksgiving. In this video, Amy shows you how to a make a delicious Thanksgiving Sweet Potato Pumpkin Pie. From everyone here at CrossFit South Bend, we want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Membership Holds For The Holidays

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College Students or Members who might be traveling over the Holidays and gone for 1month or more (this is not relative to less than 1 month)  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email to put your membership on HOLD!!! 
  1. 15 day notice (so do it now)  ;)
  2. The exact dates you will be gone.  EX: Dec.15 -Jan.12
  3. If you have gotten a new credit card recently or will get a new one, please see me.
Thank you all for your cooperation and Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!!!

CFSB Wades Day At Chipotle!!!!

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The Chipotle on Main Street in Mishawaka has graciously agreed to hold a fundraiser for Wade's Army on Tuesday, December 6th from 4-8pm. During that 4 hour window, 50% of proceeds will be donated to Wade's! You must either present the voucher or tell the cashier you're there for the fundraiser in order for Wade's Army to get credit.  We are so close to $6,000 raised for Wade's. We need your help making this event a success and raising money for Wade's Army and the fight against Neuroblastoma. PLEASE INVITE YOUR FAMILY/FRIENDS/NEIGHBORS/COWORKERS/ETC! The more people know about this, the more money we'll raise! If you'd like to make a donation directly to Wade's Army, you can do so here: Please let Carl or Em know if you have any questions by clicking here and emailing them! Thanks for supporting Wade's Army! ABOUT WADE'S ARMY: Wade's Army's objective is to bring the fight directly to Neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of pediatric cancer developing in the nerve tissues and remember Wade DeBruin and his battle. We lost him at the age of two and our goal is to fund research and bring support to the brave child and families affected by this fatal pediatric cancer. Throughout 2016, Wade's Army will be campaigning through several different channels and promotions in an effort to spread Neuroblastoma awareness to a large audience. Saturday, November 12th, 2016 all of Wade's Army's efforts will lead up to Wade's Day. This will include a workout dedicated to Wade DeBruin and his fight against Neuroblastoma hosted by Power Athlete. Spread the word about brave Wade, enlist in Wade's Army and our fundraising efforts! Donations go along way, but helping spread the awareness of Neuroblastoma and recruiting more to the cause will help us reach our goal!

Tuesday, 11.22.16

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Power Athlete has some Flash Bundle Sales going on only good through today. Check them out!


DEADLIFT 1×5 Add 10 pounds to your last DL workout.

STRICT PULL UPS 3x MAX Reps Rest 3-5 minutes between sets.


DEFICIT DEADLIFT 3RM Work up to a heavy 3 reps.

WEIGHTED PULL UPS 5. 5. 5 Find a 5 rep max



December Fundamentals is around the corner

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[cs_content][cs_section parallax="false" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;"][cs_row inner_container="true" marginless_columns="false" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;"][cs_column fade="false" fade_animation="in" fade_animation_offset="45px" fade_duration="750" type="1/1" style="padding: 0px;"][cs_text]Interested in our Fundamentals Course? Our  Fundamentals Course is always right around the corner! Interested in signing up for TWO FREE WEEKS! Click here to do it. Want some Details? Scroll down to check out the schedule or any other details you may want to know about.[/cs_text][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title="What is the Monthy Fundamentals Schedule" open="false"]2016-2017 Fundamentals Start Dates: Our Fundamentals program begins on a Tuesday each month, and runs 12 classes in succession. The start date for each month is listed below. December: Tuesday Nov. 29th (exception: 3 weeks long due to holidays)
January-January 10th
February-February 7th
March-March 7th
April-April 4th
May-May 2nd
June-June 6th
July-July 11th
August-August 8th
September-September 5th
October-October 3rd
November-October 31st
December-November 28th (3 weeks)
Class Times: Tuesday 7:00pm Thursday 7:00pm Saturday 9:00am THAT SCHEDULE DOESN’T WORK FOR ME! You may want to check out our Accelerated Fundamentals Course then! Which you can check out by clicking right here![/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="I don't want to wait, I want to start tomorrow!" open="false"]If you don’t want to wait to start until our next scheduled Fundamentals, and you’d like to start the Fundamentals RIGHT NOW! We also offer an Accelerated Fundamentals, which you can check out by clicking right here! With that you get 6 personal training session to get you ready for class, along with 3 free weeks of CrossFit afterwards! The sessions are scheduled at your convenience.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="I'd like to sit down and chat first, I have questions!" open="false"]Want to sit down and discuss your goals and how we plan to meet them? Easy, click here to schedule a Free No Sweat intro During the No Sweat Intro we will meet for a private 20 minute chat about your goals, and what CrossFit South Bend can do to help you achieve those goals. No pressure, no obligation. Just a chance to see if CrossFit South Bend is a good fit for you.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="The schedule looks like I might miss a few classes" open="false"]If you will be missing a Fundamentals class, no worries, we can do some make up work to catch you up. Try not to miss as many as you can though because each one builds on the prior class. But if you have to, just email and we will get it organized for a makeup during the Fundamentals. We usually allow up to 2 missed sessions, if you are going to be missing 3 or more, you may want to consider an Accelerated Fundamentals here.[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Signing up for a membership" open="false"]The first two weeks of each month are free! We want people to give CrossFit a good honest try before they decide whether or not it is for them. After that first two weeks if you decide CrossFit is for you, you can sign up and continue out the rest of the month. You can find out prices right here[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Want to sign up and already know how to perform CrossFit movements?" open="false"]
Already well versed in the Olympic lifts, power lifts, gymnastics, and CrossFit movements?
[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title="Questions about anything?" open="false"]
If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask any of us! Our office and inboxes are always open! You can also check out our website for more info about our programs, prices, programming, and schedule at  Other than that, we will expect to see you in here on your start date!Click here to email us if you have any other questions.