Crossfit Open Wod 15.5 Saturday 3.28.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]WORKOUT 15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb. If you are coming in today to perform the workout, it is important that you read this[/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title="Notes"]

This workout begins seated on the rower with the monitor set to zero calories. At the call of “3-2-1 … go,” the athlete will grab the handle and begin rowing. Once you have rowed 27 calories you will move to the barbell for 27 thrusters, then back to the rower for the round of 21, and so forth. Each time you return to the rower you or your judge must reset the monitor to zero before rowing.

Every second counts in this workout. Your score will be the time it takes to complete all 144 repetitions. There is no time cap for this workout.

This workout ends when the final rep of the thruster is locked out overhead. Time will be recorded in full seconds. Do not round up. If you finish in 9:25.7, your score is 9:25.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Scaled"](Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)

27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters

Men use 65 lb. Women use 45 lb.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Scaled Masters"]

Masters 55+ (Masters Men 55-59, Masters Men 60+, Masters Women 55-59, Masters Women 60+)

27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters Men use 65 lb. Women use 45 lb.[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]


By: 0

Read all of this if you are intending on doing this workout. There will be a "sign up" on the board to do this workout when you come in on Saturday, first come, first serve, you are placed in the order that you arrive and sign your name on the whiteboard in one of the time slots listed below. So, You may have noticed that 15.5 is quite the long workout, there is no time cap or stamps, this workout is to finish, or you get a DNF.
15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb.
This limits us to 5 people running through the wod at a time. So here is how Saturday is going to work. I will be at the gym at 7:30. I will be running heats at 30 minute intervals through the day to give everyone the time to get this all finished. I will be running the warm ups, while I will have another coach taking people through the wod. There will be a max of 10 people to sign up for each hour long slot. 5 will go at the hour mark (8:00) and the other 5 will judge at the :30 mark (8:30) of each hour. 8:00 (max 10 people) 9:00 (max 10 people) 10:00 (max 10 people) 11:00 (max 10 people) 12:00 (max 10 people) These are first come first serve, when you arrive, that is when you can write your name on the board.        

Friday 3.27.15

By: 0


 Warm Up 

 5 Rounds 

 45 seconds in bottom of Goblet Squat 

 45 Seconds working on thoracic with double ball (use kettle bell you used with goblet squat on the chest) 

 45 seconds of Alternating Childs pose 

 Notes: Move from one thing to another quickly, don't waste time in the transition, get some work done 


 Practice and pacing work 

 3 Rounds 

 7 Calorie Row 

 7 Thrusters 95/65 

Rest 2 minutes between rounds 

Note: try to find your pace for tomorrow, map out where you think you'll finish. 


5 minute amrap

5 x 20 yard runs (10 yards down, 10 yards back, you should have finished at 100 yards ran total)

7 chest to bar pull ups

9 kb swings - american, 70/55

Friday, 3.27.15

By: 0



Power Clean 5×3 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Power Snatch 5×2 @ 90% 2RM from 2015-03-17


10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of:

Power Cleans @ 75% of 1 RM Farmer’s Walk AHAP – 50 yd

*Search out the heaviest set of impliments you can find and walk 25 yards out and 25 yards back. *After each set of power cleans, perform 1 farmer’s walk.

CrossFit Open Guessing Game Wod 5

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Want to try to win something? for doing something super easy? Get in on our weekly guessing game! Prize: $10 Rogue Gift Card When does it start: The guessing is officially open as soon as this post goes up each week. So, now! Who can guess: Any current or past members of CrossFit South Bend! Shout out to all of the CFSB Alumnus. How do you get in on the action: To get your guess in, all you have to do is post to the comments section of THIS POST. What you are going to post:
You must enter both... 1. The movement(s) that you think will be released in tonight's wod. 2. Time domain: This will be the tie breaker, you may guess the same as another person, but if you have the closest time domain, you win. You may also guess that the workout will be open ended.
If two people accidentally guess the same movements and time domains, it will go to the person who posted it first. Winner goes to the person that gets the movements correct that week. 
So, the comments section should look like this. Brandon: Thrusters and Burpees – open ended. Savannah: Pull Ups and Box Jumps – 5 minutes Emily C: Pull Ups and box jumps – 7 minutes. Carl: Thrusters – 4 minutes Amy: Cat Stuff - Open ended Robby: Sitting - 35 minutes You get the idea
How many Guesses? You must post ONLY ONE GUESS PER EACH PERSON EACH WEEK. Ready, 3…2…1…Go! What movements might I see in the open? Click here to check out years 2011 - 2014 for an idea of what you might see!

Thursday 3.26.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]A. Burpee Skill Session B. 5 Rounds 45 seconds Burpees 45 seconds Rest 45 seconds 180 degree box walks, OR if you are able, Handstand Walks 45 seconds Rest 45 seconds L-Sit, Accumulate as much time as possible 45 seconds Rest[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][accordion][accordion_item title="Notes"]Burpees: Really work on pacing during this session today, although we aren't putting scores up, this is for you to figure out what you are capable of keeping up consistently with burpees while fatigued. Box Walks - Handstand Walks: Stay upside down for as long as possible, keep moving for the entire 45 seconds. L-sit: Find a scaling that is manageable for almost the entire time [/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Educational Material"]Burpee Skill Transfer Part 1 This series goes into Part 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6! check them out in the links below the part 1 180 Box Walks - can anyone post to comments and tell me what he could do to improve his position on the 180 box walks? L-sit[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Thursday, 3.26.15

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Image 39

Savannah will be filling in for me for the next two days. I will be out of town for Em's brother's wedding. Thanks again Savannah, you are awesome! 


Squat 3×5 (add 5 lbs to last workout) Bench Press 3×5 (add 2.5 lbs to last workout)


Close Grip Bench Press 5, 5, 5, 5 Front Squat 3 RM, Max Reps @80%


Complete 5 Rounds for time: Barbell Walking Lunges @ 35%- 40% of 1 RM Squat – 12 Reps (6 each side) Dips – 12 Reps Sprint – 100 yds

Wednesday 3-25-15

By: 2 Comments

Man, I missed you guys last week! But have no fear, I am back, and you're stuck with me for a while. Next Saturday (4-4-15) is max out day!! We're hitting some 2RMs this week to help give us an idea of where we are at. Next cycle will be loads and loads of skills and drills - we'll be going back to the basics for a few weeks! (NOTE: that does not mean "take it easy for a few weeks"...) :)

A) 2RM jerk, 3x3@90%

B) 2RM OHS, 3x3@90%

C1)  *I remember how sore you guys were after these last time! So if you are doing the Open and are concerned about destroying your abs/hamstrings, scale it back* 3x12 3-sec negative GHD sit-ups

C2)  3x12 stiff-legged DL (try to increase weigh from 3/4, even if it's 2.5 or 5#)

Wednesday 3.25.15

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[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][text_output]A. 5 Rounds, Teams of 3 1 Min Max 20yd Prowler Push 135lbs 30 Sec Rest 1 Min Max Sledge Hammer Strikes 30 Sec Rest 1 Min Max Russian Kettlebell Swings 30 Sec Rest [/text_output][accordion][accordion_item title="Notes"]Notes: Only on person can work at a time. score will be total repetitions for each movement. Prowler Push: Alternate however you would like, score is counted when you pass each 20 yard mark Sledgehammer Strikes: Alternate arms however you'd like Kettlebell Swings: Go heavy on the KB Swings[/accordion_item][accordion_item title="Educational Material For the Wod"]Prowler Pushes - Technique Wod Sledgehammer swing technique - unfortunately, all of the videos online are crap. So until I get around to making one, just wait for technique stuff in class Kettlebell Swing: I know he is obnoxious, but if you ever want to watch some good stuff on kettle bell work, google Jeff Martone. here is the Basic Kettlebell Swing[/accordion_item][/accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]