SMBHC Holiday Drive!
Hey all!
We are going to do a drive for the Sister Maura Brannick Health Center,
TheĀ Sister Maura Brannick Health Center is need of the following:
- Food (with a specific focus on canned tuna, 24-oz or larger cans of spaghetti sauce, egg noodles and macaroni & cheese) but any non-perishable food items are good
- Paper products
- Personal care items (razors, shaving cream, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, lotion and hair care items)
At the whiteboard underneath the workout is where we will be putting the items! lets fill these boxes up, and then we will get more boxes, lets see how many we can fill!
Lets say, I’d like to see 6 full boxes by the end of December!
2015 11 25